Thursday, October 20, 2011

Toronto Waterfront Marathon

The Toronto Watefront Marathon was #10 for me. The race was held on what I would describe as a mildly undulating course. I quite liked the course in fact. No real steep sections, but plenty of opportunity to use different muscles, hence avoiding repetitive use of the same muscles like you do on a flat course. It's a loop course that heads west for around 13 km's before turning around and heading back east, with a couple of deviations and then turning back to the west with around 6 or 7 km's to the finish. The conditions were mild, but extremely windy. The wind was from the west. Heading out I'd estimate the winds were around 25 km/h, but these picked up well above 30-40 km/h for the final 7 km's, which certainly made the going tough for a marathon finish.

Coming into the race with only 7 days recovery from the Chicago Marathon, I was well aware that I'd be entering unknown territory. The quad pain had eased up by Friday and by Saturday I was feeling in reasonable shape.

My race strategy was to run to heart rate, and totally disregard pace. I did manage to avoid looking at the watch timer, although I did glance at the km splits when I heard the beep. Pretty much from the first km, I felt heavy in the legs. Aerobically I was feeling fine and it was hard to refrain from picking up the pace. As I previously mentioned, I knew this wasn't q day to go after PB's. Control, control, control was very much the order of the day. I wanted to use this marathon to get feedback on running to a planned and structured heart rate schedule.

Without going through every detail of the race, I will divide it into 3 stages:

Stage 1
West bound 13 km's or so into the wind. In order to stay within the target heart rate zone, I was only averaging 4:00 km's. I was feeling very relaxed and just hanging in there for he turn so I could run a little more freely with the wind behind me.

Stage 2
With the wind behind me, I was regularly doing around 3:50 - 3:55 km splits. I was still maintaining the target heart rate zones, but running a little slower than I would've expected with a wind like that behind me. Right up to the 35 km mark, I was still feeling good and ready to work hard for the final windward bound section.

Stage 3
The wind was really strong and it was tough to hang around the 4 min km pace. I really enjoyed this final run to the finish though. There was fuel in the tank and I was able to run strongly all the way to the finish. I passed at least 15 or so runners in the final 7 km's and this is always good motivation. My right leg was cramping a little with 3 km's to go, but I ran through it and evn managed a 3:47 final km into the wind and slightly uphill finish. A guy snuck up behind me with around 400 metres to go. We toed it side to side for about 300 metres and I got him by around 15 metres over the final 100 m sprint.

All up, I ran a respectable time of 2:47:35, with splits of 83:29 & 84:06. Fairly even paced and better than the 2:50 time I would've been satisfied with.

Official splits from the website were:

10 km's - 40:01
1/2 - 83:29
30 km's - 1:58:29
35 km's - 2:18:18
40 km's - 2:38:59

Overall place was 56th & M40-44 Age Category - 8th.

Splits from my watch were as follows:

1. 3:47 (133)
2. 3:51 (147)
3. 4:03 (147)
4. 3:52 (148)
5. 3:57 (149)
6. 3:57 (150)
7. 3:57 (150)
8. 3:56 (152)
9. 4:04 (151)
10. 4:02 (153)
11. 3:57 (150)
12. 3:58 (153)
13. 3:58 (153)
14. 3:52 (153)
15. 3:55 (153)
16. 3:56 (155)
17. 3:50 (154)
18. 3:49 (155)
19. 3:44 (157)
20. 3:52 (157)
21. 3:50 (158)
22. 3:54 (159)
23. 3:52 (159)
24. 3:54 (161)
25. 3:54 (159)
26. 3:52 (159)
27. 3:54 (160)
28. 3:51 (161)
29. 3:50 (162)
30. 3:50 (162)
31. 3:53 (162)
32. 3:58 (162)
33. 4:00 (162)
34. 3:58 (164)
35. 3:55 (167)
36. 3:59 (166)
37. 4:01 (166)
38. 3:59 (168)
39. 4:09 (168)
40. 4:07 (168)
41. 4:09 (167)
42. 4:02 (170)
42.650. 3:47 pace (172)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Chicago Marathon

What an amazing experience! In the days leading up to the race you would hardly have known that a marathon event was about to take place. There was very little signage around the city and not much in the news either. However come Sunday the city was abuzz with marathon fever. I believe 45,000 people entered the event and 1.7 million people lined the streets of Chicago. The marathon had literally taken over the city. Having never experienced a marathon this big before, I was simply blown away with the excitement. It was probably the most enjoyable marathon I have done so far.

Up until the night before the race, I was unsure about even finishing it. I was very concerned about the forecasted heat and also feeling sore in the hips. Having only landed in the city on Wednesday evening, I still hadn't adjusted to the time zone change and only slept 5-6 hours max in the days leading up to the race. I also overdid the sight seeing and walked upwards of 10 km's each day looking around the place. 

The weather forecast was predicted to be 14 - 20 degrees between 7:30 am and 10:30 am, with high humidity and clear skies. I've never raced well in these conditions before so on Thursday I decided to enter the Toronto Marathon, which takes place on 16 October. I spoke to Sean about this before I left and he agreed it wasn't a bad idea. When I got to Chicago, I decided I really wanted to start the race and just do 1 hour at marathon effort and then jog back to the start / finish.  I settled on this plan for race day , however the night before the race I heard that heavy winds are predicted for Toronto, albeit with much cooler conditions. This got me thinking all over again and I reverted to the original plan of doing the whole race. I decided that I would need to make sure I am extremely well hydrated and maximize every opportunity during the race to keep my core cool by splashing water over myself.

I was rooming with my mate Craig Lambert. We were up early for a light breakfast and after getting ready we caught a bus to the start. We had planned to catch a cab, but 40 odd thousand other people had the same idea. Luckily plenty of buses were available. We got to the race start area a little after 6 am, dropped our baggage off and headed over to the A corral. The minutes ticked by quite quickly and before you knew it the race was underway.

Due to the warmer conditions, My pacing plan was to run to my heart rate, so I wore my heart rate monitor which I haven't done since my first marathon in 2008. I wanted to keep my heart rate below 150 for the first few km's and not more than the mid 150's up until 1/2 way. There after I hoped to just hold the pace or preferably negative split. Based on this strategy I hoped to go through 1/2 way in under 81 minutes and take it from there. The following heart rate splits were taken from my watch, which show actual versus target. Actual on the left and target on the right. As can be seen, I overdid it a little early on, then settled in okay but couldn't hold on over the final 6 km's or so. My pace slowed as no doubt my glycogen supplies depleted and my hips became extremely sore in the final 10 km's. I was actually feeling fine throughout the whole race but had very little in the tank after 36 km's, when the bodies preservation mechanisms kicked in and forced me to slow down. The initial 30 km's or so offered pretty good cover with buildings etc, but the final 12 km's were tougher in open skies and increasing temperature:

Goal pace 1-3 km's - 3:53
1 - 136 / 144 
2 - 147 / 144
3 - 152 / 146
Goal pace 4-11 km's - 3:51
4 - 153 / 150 
5 - 153 / 150 
6 - 154 / 150
7 - 155 / 151
8 - 156
9 - 156
10 - 155
11 - 156 / 152
12 - 156
13 - 155
14 - 158
Goal pace 15-29 km's - 3:49
15 - 159 / 156 
16 - 159
17 - 158
18 - 157 / 157
19 - 156
20 - 157
21 - 157
22 - 159 / 158 
23 - 159
24 - 160
25 - 160
26 - 161 / 159
27 - 160
28 - 161
Goal pace to finish - 3:47
29 - 161 / 163 
30 - 161
31 - 161 / (3:47) actual pace in brackets
32 - 160 / (3:51)
33 - 161 / 164  (3:46)
34 - 161 / (3:52)
35 - 161 / (3:50)
36 - 162 / (3:51)
37 - 160 / 165 (4:04)
38 - 156 (4:10)
39 - 158 (4:12)
40 - 157 / 166 (4:13)
41 - 156 / (4:15)
42 - 154 / (4:24)
43 - 158 / (4:12 pace)

It is noted that my watch recorded 43 km's instead of 42.195 km's, hence it is probably appropriate to add around 3-4 seconds to each km.

All up I ran a time of 2:44:35, which is over 3 mins off my PB and my 4th fastest time in 8 marathons that I have raced. I placed 233rd and 12th in the M40-44 category. To be frank, I'm very happy with this result. Considering the conditions and knowing that I did this one off my lowest training mileage (averaging only 110 km's per week, I have no complaints.

The plan is now to also do Toronto. I've never before considered such a thing and would've considered 2 marathons in 1 week crazy, but I'm here, I've entered and I have no goal races coming up, so I may as well give it a crack.

Prediction for Toronto is much cooler, 8-12 degrees but strong winds are forecasted. This will be a first. All previous marathons have been in either still conditions or moderate winds at worst. 

I iced my sore hips straight after Chicago and this did help. My quads were extremely sore the day after and still sore up until Thursday. 

Training for the week has consisted of:

Monday - Rest / walking around New York City
Tuesday - 3 km's in 19:30 - very painful on the quads
Wednesday - Rest / walked around NYC
Thursday - 5.5 km's jogging in a little under 5 min km pace
Friday - Pool 20 mins, which included 6 x 30 secs hard deepwater running without floatation.
Saturday - Jog 20 mins in a little under 4:50 pace

I'm writing this blog in the dark laying in my hotel bed. Power to the building has been gone most of the day. Race starts at 9 am. Alarm is set for 5 am and I'll have a bagel with honey before going back to sleep for a bit and then heading off to the race start. It's blowing big time outside and I'm hoping the weathergods are feeling nice.

I'll wear the chest strap again, but plan to write the heart rate numbers on my arm this time so I don't forget them again. If the wind does howl as predicted, I think it is prudent to run to effort and not even look at the km splits. If I can resist the temptation I might even turn the speed/timer details off.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Race Eve

Just checked the weather predictions. Temperature range of 13 - 21 degrees is forecasted from 7 am to 11 am. This is even warmer than predicted a couple of days ago and certainly doesn't alleviate my feeling of nervousness and uncertainty. I'll definitely start the race, but am unlikely to go on with it. My plan is to use it as a training run and soak up the atmosphere of the event. I'll run for an hour and then take a detour and jog across to the finish line to watch the finish. I'll wear my heart rate monitor for a change and see how I react to the heat. If I just happen to handle the conditions okay, I might keep going, but I don't expect this to be case.

Am loving Chicago. For travelling, the weather has been brilliant & it's an impressive city. It was marathon expo day yesterday. Picked up my race bib and checked out the expo. Then went to see Wrigley Field. Whilst I don't follow baseball and have never even heard of the stadium, I'm told it is very famous, so I had to go check it out. I must say that the neighbourhood around there felt like gangster territory & the stadium itself is very old and unimpressive, but given the history it was still worth the visit. Headed back to the city and checked out Millenium Park and back to Navy Pier to ride the Ferris Wheel so I could get up high and take some city sky-line photos. Finished the day off going to dinner with Vlad, Craig & Lachlan at a Pasta Restaurant.

An easy day is planned for today.

Friday, October 7, 2011


After nearly 44 years, I've finally made it to the USA. It's early morning here on day 3. For the second night I didn't get enough sleep, just haven't adapted yet to the time zone change.

The weather has been great for travelling, but I'm concerned about it being too warm on Sunday morning for the race. Temperature's of 12-24 degrees are forecasted. Around a high of 19 possibly for the later stages of the marathon. This is certainly higher than I would prefer anyway.

I've registered also for the Toronto Marathon on the 16th as a contingency plan. I don't perform too well in warmer conditions, and the following w/e is forecasted to be cooler. My plan for this Sunday is to enter the race and assess how I am feeling after 1 hour. If okay, keep going, if not jog back and switch to Toronto the following weekend.

Running wise, not much this week.

Mon - 20 mins
Tues - 6 x 1 min's @ a little quicker than 3:20 pace. 12 km's or so all up.
Wed - Rest / Flights
Thu - 6 x 30 sec's @ around 1/2 marathon pace. 7.5 km's all up.

Chicago is a nice place. Has exceeded my expectations. Very clean and plenty to see and do. We did a lot of walking yesterday. I'd estimate over 10 km's. Saw a lot, which included:

- John Hancock Tower;
- Navy Pier;
- Wallis Tower;
- Travelled on the famous Loop;
- Chicago Theatre.

Will post pics when I get back.

Despite actually hating the dizzy heights of tall buildings, I can't resist the temptation to go up them. It's impossible to resist going up what was once the tallest building in the world for 25 years actually. It took me about a dozen attempts but I did finally stand on the sky ledge, but I do confess that I didn't look down.

Off to the expo today & will shortly head out for a 20 min jog.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time to watch what I eat!

7 days to go now & time to really back off. This is always a time where I tend to be a bit on edge and eat too much. I wouldn't say I eat any more than usual, but I do need to watch what I eat and how much of it, especially given that over the final week I don't do much running.  I've always run every day for the final week leading up to the marathon and I don't envisage this week being any different. Usually I do around 40-60 km's in the 6 days before the marathon, but I'm going to do a little less this time. This marathon preparation has been quite short, only 14 weeks, but in reality only 11-12 weeks as I eased up the week before C2S. Apart from reducing the mileage of my long run and mid-week long run, I haven't really tapered this week. 98 km's for the week, which is about normal for me before a marathon, however in every previous marathon I have been tapering down from an average mileage of 130-160 km's and not 110 km's. Given that I haven't really tapered much, this week I will make sure I do very little. The plan is:

Monday -20 mins jogging;
Tuesday - Progression run, 3 km's jogging, 3 km's easy, 3 km's marathon pace, 3 km's jogging;
Wednesday - 20 mins jogging;
Thursday - 5 x 30 seconds;
Friday - 20 mins jogging;
Saturday - 15 -20 mins jogging.

In total, I'd estimate around 35 km's pre-race.

It will be interesting to see how I go in the race, as this preparation has been so different. The main differences being:

- Low mileage (due to ditching doubles);
- Only 2 races (C2S & W2B 35 km trail race);
- Lots of longer tempo stuff (up to 12 km's);
- Usually I would do a 20 km, 25 km & 30 km marathon pace run in the second last month before the race, but this time I haven't done these;
- Usually I would try and follow the Lydiard periodisation concept of building a base, doing either a hill rep phase or hilly runs, then speed endurance, then peaking and then tapering. The best way to describe this preparation would be to say that I started with decent speed (relative to my ability), slowly built the endurance and speed endurance as I go and then a crash taper and race.

I recognise that I've lost some speed, but I'm not sure how much. I've backed off the effort a little in most tempo runs & interval sessions. My last 10 km race was a 34:20 PB back on June 4, followed by 3 km & 5 km races leading up to the GC Half on 3 July. It would've be handy to have done a recent 10 km race to get a little bit of a read on where I am at, but maybe it's better that I simply don't know.

Anyway, no looking back from here.

Today I did end up going a bit longer than the planned 1 hour easy. 20 km's in 89 mins, it felt pretty cruisy and I've pulled up fine.

Watched the Grand Final today. My team, the mighty Penrith Panthers, weren't playing so I didn't have much enthusiasm for the game. In fact, I fell asleep during the second half and woke up for the last 10 mins. The better team probably won, well from what I saw anyway. Like most people, I tend to follow my team and whoever is playing Manly, but I must say they were probably the more deserved winner given their consistent form all year. I think the Warriors have much to look forward to though with the strength of their playing roster and talent coming through. Not a bad effort to have all 3 grades playing on G/F day. I'm just stoked that we've (the panthers that is) nabbed the warriors coach for next season. Hopefully he can produce the goods with the panthers.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

8 Days to go!

Slight change of plans this morning. Was feeling just a little flat so switched from 3 x 2000 to 3 x 5 mins with 4 mins 30 secs jog recovery. 4 km's warm-up. A little under 3:20 pace for each interval. 3.5 km's recovery. All-up, just 14 km's instead of the 16-20 planned. Reasonably happy with the session, probably around 90% effort I would estimate.

Tomorrow I might run for 90 mins instead of 60 mins.

Relaxing evening with he family tonight. Bbq at my sister's house with Sammy (my better half), Latisha (my youngest girl), Mum, Dad, Steve (my sister's b/f) & Tyler (my sister's grandson),  Bbq'd chicken & vegetables for me, with a piece of carrot cake. I was a little envious watching Dad & Steve downing a few glasses of red, but it can wait till after my race. I'll need to research American Beer. I've only ever tried Millers & Budweiser, but always like to try something new.

After Chicago, I plan to go to NY with my mate Craig Lambert for 5 nights, before we both head off in different directions. Craig will be heading to Vegas and I'm thinking Nashville. I love my country music. Still need to organise 5 days of the trip. I tend to leave things to the last minute.

Friday, September 30, 2011

9 days to go!

Went to see an osteopath near home today for the first time. Found the session very beneficial and u was extremely impressed with the guy's knowledge and massage technique. He really knows his stuff and hit the right spots.

The work I had done was on loosening tightness in my lower back and glutes. Turns out my hips are a little out of alignment and the muscles in my lower back aren't moving as freely as they should be. I've already forgotten the technical analysis, I just know it now feels better.

Ran quite freely and relaxed tonight. Just a lazy 30 mina jogging.

Intervals tomorrow. 3 x 2 on the programme. Plan to do 16-20 km's all up. 1 hour easy is programmed for Sunday.

Will reduce the load even more as from Monday. I'll probably only do about 40 km's or less for the week leading up to the race.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting closer!

The Chicago Marathon is starting to occupy more of my thoughts as the event gets closer. Unlike past marathons, I haven't really got worked up about this one. I've been very relaxed in my approach to training and haven't worried myself about running 100 mile weeks and twice a day. Whereas in the past I would typically average 140 km's a week leading up to a marathon, this time it's probably only 110 and no doubles. We'll see how this approach works. It's only the morning jogs that I've been skipping and I haven't missed any of the long runs or hard days.

Today I did 21 km's, which included 5 km's easy warm up, then 8 km's tempo at around 3:40 pace. Was feeling very relaxed and didn't really have to work despite running in really windy conditions and on grass. Threw in a couple more 3:40 km's after an easy jog recovery. 4-5 km's to finish off. All up 21 km's in around 93 mins.

I was quite satisfied with today's run. Very relaxed & a decent pace without really raising a sweat.

The countdown starts today. 10 days to go!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Doing okay!

It's been nice to put together 4 steady training days.

Sunday - Was quite happy with the run. Conditions were windy, wet and cold and I was running on dirt and grass. Apart from the wind, I quite enjoy these conditions. All up I put together 35 km's in a bit over 2 hours 27 mins. Given that mother nature had been rather unkind to me for the past 5 days or so, I decided to experiment with Imodium pills. I can verify that they work. Didn't go for a day afterwards. I was actually very nervous about thus and drank 5 glasses of orange juice on Sunday night to push things along.

I started the run at a very easy 4:30 pace and slowly picked it up, covered the final 2 hours in under 4:10 pace but feeling very comfortable and chatting the while time.

Monday - 35 mins jogging

Tuesday - 10 x 300 in 59's/60's. Very relaxed. A bit windy and on grass. Around 45 second / 100 metre jog recovery. 5 min break and then 4 km tempo in 14:30 feeling quite relaxed. All up 20 km's for the session.

Wednesday - 10 km's easy jogging on grass. Felt relaxed.

Plan to do 20 km's tomorrow including a relaxed 8 km tempo.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still not feeling 100%

I was feeling pretty ordinary last night. I couldn't even get through a 30 min session without a trip to the loo. Decided to pack it in after 5 km's in a pedestrian 27 minutes.

I was feeling a little better today, but not great. Struggled through a 5 km tempo on grass in a real slow 17:30. Just had nothing! Around 13 kms all up for the session, including warm up, drills, strides and warm down. Hopefully I'll be feeling good for my final long run tomorrow. I'd like to put in a nice one tomorrow, just to raise the confidence levels.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The "runs" continue!

Still not feeling 100%. My run tonight was interupted by 5 loo stops. All up ran 15 km's in a little under 75 minutes. Relaxed jogging for 10 km's followed by 10 x 30 second strides at around 3:10 to 3:20 pace in trainers on grass. Was feeling ordinary during the jog phase but actually felt okay during the strides. 4 interuptions during the jog and 1 during the strides. Happy to log another day's training. Hopefully I'll be able to run uninterupted tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Struck down!

I've been hit with the Bali Belly these past 2 days. I've lost count of the number of trips I've taken to the bathroom. 30-40 wouldn't be exagerating. In fact I had to stop 3 times during my run tonight, which was very frustrating.

I haven't quite managed to get the mileage in I had hoped, but not too far off. Yesterday I trained alone on the treadmill. That gave me a sense of security knowing the bathroom is nearby. I had planned to do a 6 km fartlek of 700 hard / 300 float, but on account of feeling a little off colour I settled for 6 x 600 reasonably hard / 300 jog. This equated to 2 mins @ 3:20 pace followed by 1:30 @ 5:00 pace. Only 10 km's all up.

Tonight I ran 25 km's in 1 hr 50 mins. 9 km easy followed by 8 x 1 km with 1 km recovery. Splits: 4:03 / 3:55 / 3:40 / 3:40 / 3:43 / 343 / 3:39 / 3:33. Not a bad session, but I wasn't really feeling too good. It's not  easy running when you have the runs of the other variety. Felt pretty bloody awful afterwards and still not feeling too flash. Hopefully I'll wake up feeling a million bucks tomorrow. Well that's the plan.

How good is this time of year? Been having fantastic weather. Gotta love it! I'm excited about marathon season. 3 of the majors over the next couple of months. Friends running in Berlin and Chicago, plus my myself doing my first major in Chicago. I hope the atmosphere lives up to my expectations. Fukuoka last December was unbelievable for crowd support and Rotterdam in April was pretty good too. Very different from Canberra where it gets a bit lonely apart from cowbell corner.

I've started reading a few mates blogs and must say they are lot more entertaining than the training log dribble I write down. Tiger solving the rubiks cube whilst standing on one leg on a balance ball was pretty damn impressive and has to be the highlight for me.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Quicker than expected recovery

After yesterday's woes, it was pleasing to recover quickly and feel no ill effects today. I got an early night in and 8 hours of uninterupted sleep, which was nice. Headed off to work around 6 am for an early start so I could try and get out for a run at a decent hour. Headed out for a leisurely 15 km's (75 mins) at around 6:30 pm before going back to the office to tidy a few things up.

I was expecting to be feeling very stiff and sore today after getting the heart rate up much higher than planned yesterday, but other than feeling a little heavy in the legs, I actually felt great. I usually do find that warmer weather can add 10-20 BPM to my H/R, so I'm not prepared to write off yesterday's experience.

Seems that quite a few suffered yesterday due to the heat. I'm glad I was just treating it as a training run and it wasn't a goal race. I know the pain one feels when you train your backside off for months on end for a big race and then the weather gods mess it all up. I really feel for a few mates who raced the 1/2 or full marathon yesterday only to suffer this fate. Oh well, shit happens & as my old coach Barry Magee used to remind me "running is just a part of life, not everything".

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sydney Running Festival - 1/2 Marathon

It was just one of those days that you hope to forget. I'm not sure what to make of it actually. Pacing plans turned to survival plans after 16 km's and I was completely smashed at the finish. Luckily T was there to hold the 80 minute pace, but even he finished 20 seconds off pace. As for me, I managed to run my slowest 1/2 in 4 years. The time was a very disappointing 81:29, over 6 mins slower than GC just 2.5 months back.

Rather than focusing on the negatives, I'll focus on the positives:

- 33.5 km's total running;
- I hung in there in conditions that were tough and most of the field ran significantly slower than expected. It was hot, windy, very dry and the course whilst not extremely hilly, does undulate. It's not really a course for rythym running, especially with the wind around. As I noted last night, these conditions don't suit me at all, but it is good to have a practice hitout just in case Chicago dishes up the same;
- I had a similar race 2 years ago, before setting a marathon PB 4 weeks later;

I didn't get much sleep last night, less than a couple of hours and I'm sure this contributed. I was out the door at 4:45 am for the drive into the city. I parked a little over 3 km's from the race start, so I could get a warm-up jog in. As soon as I got into the jog, I knew it was going to be a tough day. 20 degrees at around 5:30 am and windy. My average heart rate was at 129 for the warm-up despite jogging at a pedestrian 5:35 pace. Usually it would be around 110-115.

During the run, my average H/R was 163 and peaked at 170. This is far higher than I would've liked or expected. Last Sunday I ran 32 km's in 2:07 (averaging low 3:50's for the last hour) and my average H/R then was only 142 (peaking at 156) so I'm not about to slit my throat.

I followed the run with a slow 9 odd km's to get the mileage up a bit.

Today I have caught up on some much needed sleep. I slept in the car on the way home for 45 mins and another 4 hours when I got home.

Usually from here I would start a 3 week taper, but given that I only managed 103.5 km's (7:55 hours) 
this week, I will go with the 2 week taper. Had I not raced I planned to do nearer to 130 km's, but I allowed a km of low mileage of easy days leading into the race. Plan for this upcoming week is:

Mon - 1 hour
Tues - 6 km Fartlek (700 hard /300 float)
Wed - 1 hour 45 mins
Thu - 10 x 100 strides
Fri - 30 mins
Sat - 6 km tempo
Sun - 2 hours 30 mins

If I can find the time, I'll add a couple of doubles in there and also update the Blog.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A couple of easy days!

I tried out my new Garmin 610 on Friday night. That makes it Garmin #5. Previously used the 205, 405, 310XT & F60. Gave away the 205, the 405 died, been using the 310XT of late in conjuction with the F60 (for trackwork). I must say, the 610 certainly looks better than the others, although I don't mind the look of the F60. It nearly even closely resembles a watch. It feels light and is not so bulky. It worked, so I'll stick with it. When it comes to styling, the new Garmin still resembles a Toyota though (safe but boring). At least they look better than those ridiculous earlier models, which I would say resemble a Leyland P76.

Did a cruisy 13 odd km's last night in an hour. Followed it up with a really relaxed 25 min jog today. I'd estimate 5 km's.

The plan tomorrow is to pace the Sydney 1/2 marathon 80 min group. I'm actually still not sure if I'm doing it. The organisers haven't come back to me still and I haven't got a race number. Anyway, I'll rock up and if they want me to pace I will. If not, no problems, I'll run over to Centennial Park and join the SWEAT squad for a long run. Looks like it'll be warm and muggy. Hardly my preferred conditions for running, but I don't mind. I haven't run in warm conditions for quite a while now and it might be beneficial, just in case Chicago dishes up similar conditions in 3 weeks. I'll wear a heart rate monitor too. This data should give me some feedback on just where my race fitness is at and provide me with a guide on what sort of strategy to take to Chicago.

I'd love to think I'm in sub 2:40 or at least PB shape (2:41:14) but I actually have no idea what sort of shape I'm in. I haven't done any of the  longer marathon paced runs this preparation. I've always liked to build up with a half, 25 km & 30km marathon effort runs. This preparation, I've tried a few different things:

* Lower mileage, which has me feeling much fresher between runs;
* Longer tempo runs (12 km's) at around 1/2 marathon pace effort;
* Longer intervals (3 x 3.55 white fence runs at Centennial Park);
* Less V02 sessions (ie less than 5 min intervals);
* Very little racing;
* No stretching at all (intentional);
* Minimal core work (laziness);
* Progressive paced long runs up to 39 km's with a faster finish (last 8 - 16 km's). I really struggled with the long runs after the GC 1/2, but have become better conditioned over the past month or so; and
* I have never tried a 1/2 marathon 3 weeks out, so will be interesting to see how it works.

My real focus is the London Marathon next April, so experimenting with something different adds a little variety and might give me some new ideas. I am toying with the idea of going back to the Lydiard Periodisation approach with the next one, but will ponder this deeper after Chicago.

One good thing about pacing the 80 minute 1/2 tomorrow is that my mate T will also be pacing with me. He's kicked my butt in every race for a year now, so at least it's pretty safe he won't tomorrow. Then again, he's so competitive I'm already picturing him surging over the last 2 metres. ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been really slack over the past few months with updating my Blog. Truth be told, running has taken a little bit of a backseat due to a really heavy workload.

Since I last posted, I've only raced a few times. Did the GC 1/2 in 75:19 gun time, C2S in a disappointing 50:06 and my first trail race at Willy to Billy. Missed my sub 75 goal at GC but gave my all, so no complaints.

W2B was an experience. Didn't taper at all for it, just a but of fun. I actually got lost, adding an extra km, a big hill and around 5 mins. Finished in 13th, which is okay I suppose but I was completely smashed up and bonked with 2 kms to go. Physically it was so tough on the body with all the downhill sections. Running in flats probably didn't help either. Might try another trail race but not in the near future.

Since GC, I've been training for the Chicago Marathon. With only 3.5 weeks to go, I'm getting that old feeling of excitement and nervousness. I'll be doing this one of my lowest training base for any marathon. I'd estimate that I'm only averaging 110 kms per week. Will be interesting to see how I go. I've been doing all the key runs, just not the morning recovery jogs. The bigger picture for me is London Marathon 2012, but I'll certainly be giving my best effort in Chicago.

I must admit that since I last posted, I had forgotten I even had a Blog. I only ever really started it for my own records. Been so surprised when a few people actually asked me when will I be posting again. So I guess I had better keep it up.

Got a new toy today. Garmin 610. Looking forward to trying it out.

Today I did a nice solid tempo intervals session, starting easy and progressively picking it up. Ran at Centennial Park with the squad. Big Jim made me work as we got into it. 3 x 3.55 km white fence loops on dirt off 16 minute cycles. 14:10 / 12:56 / 12:30. Probably wouldn't call the last one tempo. Ran strongly but closer to race effort. Nit quite chunder territory but a little harder than I'd normally go in training.

Possibly pacing the Sydney Marathon Festival 80 min 1/2 on Sunday. Just waiting for confirmation. If in, will do a long warm down to get 32 kms plus in. If not, will do a 12 km tempo on Saturday and 2 hrs 30 mins fast finish on Sunday. Either way suits me.

A few mates are heading o/s this weekend. Good luck to Mo & Chris in Berlin and Bren (Mr D) in Wales.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Taper Week

Less than a week to go until the Gold Coast Half Marathon now. I'm really looking forward to this race. Over the past week and a half I've concentrated on sharpening my speed combined with tempo endurance. I've cut the mileage back a bit in the process and worked on my strength. A brief summary of key sessions is as follows:

Saturday 18/6
- 12 km tempo on grass in shoes. Felt very sluggish so cruised around in a little under marathon pace.

Sunday 19/6
- 2 hour run from Parramatta into the city. GPS played up, but I'd estimate 27 kms on the conservative side. Easy sort of pace but ran the hilly sections strongly. Caught the train back. Ran with a backpack. Wanna do a few sessions with the backpack as I'm keen on having a crack at Kepler trail in December.

115 kms for the week.

Tuesday 21/6
12.5 km road tempo at around 3:50 pace. Pretty cruisy with a few solid hills in there.

Thursday 23/6
5000 track race. Treated it more like a fartlek session. First few kms as 100 m straights & curves hard / float effort. Mixed it up after that. Jogged most of the last lap. Lap counters messed up and I'd thought I'd already finished. Approx 16:50 for the session but feel confident that sub 16:20 is achievable if I raced it with even splits.

6 km tempo on grass - 20:17

Started relaxed and progressively picked up pace each km. Splits: 3:32 / 3:26 / 3:22 / 3:20 / 3:20 / 3:17.

Sunday 26/6

Relaxed easy run. Started at jogging pace increasing progressively to 4:10'a. 20 kms for the session.

All up 95 kms for the week.


Relaxed 35 minute jog.

Saturday 25/6

Friday, June 17, 2011

3000 M Track Race

Last night I ran in a low key 3000 metre track race at Sylvania Waters. Placed 2nd behind my mate T. Conditions were overcast and windy but not too bad. Time was 9:41. Reasonably happy with that off no taper and in windy conditions. My start was probably too conservative, even though I went through the first 200 in 37 seconds. I allowed T to get a big break early as I got stuck in around 6th place after the first lap. Unfortunately I had to go wide for the whole of the 3rd curve to get past a few guys. In hindsight I should've just sat behind them and taken them on the next straight. By the 3rd lap T had built a good lead of 30-40 metres. I slowly got closer but couldn't get him in the end. Winning time was 9:39 to my 9:41.

Immediately followed the session with a 10 minute jog and then a hill loop session. The loop was a little around 810-820 metres. We ran hard for around 450 metres, which included approx 290 metres of incline after a 160 or so metre flat start. Recovery jog in between and 6 in total. Progressively increased the pace on each interval from 3:49 pace to 3:14 pace on the last one. Really enjoyed the session and felt very strong over the hills. I'd estimate the hill was a 4-6% incline. Not too steep and good to really attack, especially after a flat start.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Go the Blues!

Had a couple of tough days and am reeling feeling stiff and sore, eapecially in the calves.

Wednesday (16/6)
Wasn't feeling too great this morning. Ran an easy 20 km's with Jim around the river and Regatta Centre in Penrith. Finished with 3 relaxed strides. Time was a little over 91 minutes. Highlight of the day had nothing to do with running. The Blues victory over Qld has kept the series alive and restored a bit of Blues pride after 5 years of successive series losses. Hopefully a win in a few weeks time will give NSW a ling overdue series win. Fingers are crossed.

Tuesday (15/6)
Tough session. 9 x 1000 was planned but ended up doing 1000 x 2 / 800 / 1000 / 800 / 1000 / 800 / 2 x 1000. The cycles were only 4:15 with a 130 metre jog back to the start between intervals. Through in the 3 x 800's every other interval, just to get a little extra recovery. The track was very damp and heavy, which made running tough. Splits were roughly around 3:20 pace for the 1000's and a little quicker for the 800's. All up 19 km's including warm-up & warm-down.

Monday (14/6)
Feeling very stiff and sore. Ran a very slow 5.7 km's at Homebush.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cold Feet!

Saturday (11/6)

I often do my grass speed sessions & tempo's barefoot, but have been wearing spikes or flats since my marathon back in April. On Saturday, I thought I'd go back to barefoot for the session. Only problem is that it was wet, windy and bloody cold! The session scheduled was 4 x 2000 off a 9 minute cycle. As soon as I took my shoes off after the warm-up, I was beginning to regret the decision. After a few drills & strides I was sure that I'd made a terrible mistake. My feet were numb and I hadn't even started the first interval. I looked around and noticed that the only squad members going barefoot were the coach & Fossil. All the other barefoot regulars were smart enough to be kind to their feet. I had contemplated jogging back to my car at that stage and grabbing my spikes, but didn't have time.

Before too long, the session was underway. I couldn't feel a thing, my feet were so frozen. I proceeded to do the first interval in a fairly relaxed 6:56, then I decided to put my shoes back on. Because it was raining and the warm-up is always a lap of the white fence around Centennial Park (dirt), I chose to wear trail shoes, figuring it won't matter if they get a bit muddy. However trail shoes just don't work well for faster running on grass. I just couldn't get any speed. Despite a full on effort, the best I could manage was 7:09, my worst ever split. I decided rather than do the 3rd interval, I would jog back to my car and grab my spikes. When I got to the car I discovered that the spikes there were somebody elses. Same brand & style (Nike Zoom Matumbo's), but different colour and size. I then remembered that after Tuesday night's session, I couldn't find my spikes that I left next to the fence in their bag. Everybody else had gone home and I saw the same type of bag as mine in a different place, so I just grabbed it figuring someone must've moved it. Anyway, I'll worry about finding the rightful owner to these shoes later and hopefully they will have mine. Luckily I had a pair of flats in the boot, so I grabbed them and jogged back to join the final interval. The last interval was a more respectable 6:32, including a 3:12 final km.

All up, I covered around 14.5 km's for the session, plus the drills, strides and jogging to and fro my car.

Sunday (12/6)

Long trail run over hills with Jim. 30.2 km's in 2:16 hr's. We held a solid pace throughout. Jim seemed to be doing it a lot easier than me though. There were a couple of nasty hills in there that slowed us down to near 7:00 km pace, but otherwise the pace was pretty good.

After the run, we jumped into Glenbrook Creek for a 7 minute recovery ice bath. Jeez it was cold. My feet felt even worse than Saturday.

All up a little over 123 km's for the week. Nothing special about that mileage, but it is the highest mileage since April's Rotterdam Marathon. Still it's all part of my plan of slowly easing up the mileage and endeavouring to remain injury free.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Night Vision

Needed a torch for tonight's run. Ran with T near his work at Liverpool. Well jogged very slowly actually. 12 km's in 63:30. After a while the eyes got used to running in the dark, so turned the torch off. Ran in Vibram Fivefingers.

Any thermals sales happening?

Jeez it's been cold this week! Sure, it's all relative but it has been a shock to the system. I believe cold winds blowing from the southern alpine regions is the reason. All I can say is that I'm glad I dont live in places like Canada or Scotland etc..

Training wise it's been pretty much steady as she goes so far this week.

Monday (6/6)

My legs were feeling pretty smashed after Saturday's race and Sunday's hilly long run. Calves were the worse. Weatherwise it was not a bad morning to start the week. Jogged an hour with Chris around Parramatta Park, mainly on the grass or dirt sections. A little over 12 km's.

Tuesday (7/6)

A combined speed & tempo session with the squad at Centennial Park. Started with 10 x 300's off a 1:30 cycle. After a 3 minute break, followed this with a 3.55 km tempo around the white fence on the dirt. splits: 58/56/54/52/51/49/48/51/53/53. The last couple were solo. White fence - 12:40

All up 14.4 km's for the session, including warm-up & warm-down.

Wednesday (8/6)

Things started getting really chilly Wednesday. Did an easy medium long run beard home with Jim. Predominately undulating trails. All up 18.2 km's in a relaxed 93 mins. Finished off with 4 strides.

I had the arm warmers and gloves on, whereas my Blue Mtn's born and raised young buddy was fine in just a short sleeve shirt. Amazingly he doesn't even own a pair of gloves.

Thursday (9/6)

The cold weather continued. I even wore tights for all but the main part of the session. 12 km tempo in just under 44 mins. About 90% effort. At CP on the 2 km X/C course in very chilly windy conditions. I did the whole tempo in arm warmers and a shirt. That's the first time ever that I've worn more than just a singlet or short sleeve shirt. After the tempo I put tights back on and many layers.

All up a little over 22 km's, including warm-up & warm-down.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A perfect winter's day!

You'd never guess that it's winter. Whilst it was a little crisp early in the morning, the weather turned out to be perfect. Clear blue skies, a pleasant cool temperature for running and no breeze. For the 3rd week in a row I did my long run over trails in the Blue Mountains. Today I enjoyed the company of my mate Jim Perrett.

We started at the Rangers Hut (Glenbrook), jogged down to the causeway, up the steep hill on the other side out to Nepean Lookout and back to the causeway. Undulating trail most of the way. We jogged the first 3 km's, picked up to an easy pace for the next 7 km's and then settling into a steady clip (average 4:10's). Overall just under 27 km's in 2 hours.

We finished at the causeway and soaked our legs for a recovery session in the icy cold waters. 7 minutes of chill in all. We then walked backed to the Ranger's Hut.

Headed out later with my little 7 year old daughter for a nice bushwalk at Katoomba. Back home and pigged out with 2 and 1/2 bowls of chocolate gelato.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

State 10k Road Championships

Ran a 2 second PB today at State 10k Road's. Time was 34:20. Went out with an aggressive strategy of attacking the downhill sections, relaxing the uphill and hanging on for as long as possible. In hindsight I probably went out a little hard and missed a chance to go sub 34, but what the heck, a PB is a PB and I haven't ran one for nearly 12 months now. The first 7 km's were great but the final 3 kms uphill took its toll. I could only average 3:34's when it really counted over the closing 3 km's. No complaints, I gave absolutely everything I had. 64th overall, in a strong field and 5th M40-44.

Not a lot of running this week, with the focus on race taper and peaking.

Monday - 35 mins including strides
Tuesday - 4 km fartlek at 3:28 pace (700 hard / 300 relaxed). All up 11 kms including warm-up & warm-down
Wednesday - 45 mins including strides
Thursday - 3 x 500 relaxed hills @ 1:42 splits. All up 11 kms.
Friday - 30 mins

Planning on a couple of hours tomorrow. Next race Gold Coast 1/2 marathon on 3 July. Will hopefully get some decent consistent mileage in between now and then.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pose running, Chi Running or just simply run?

I had a really enjoyable week of running last week. It's been 7 weeks since the Rotterdam Marathon. Whilst I was reasonably satisfied with the marathon, I was very much in need of a physical and mental break. The deliberate strategy of really cutting back the mileage and slowly building it back up has been just what the doctor ordered. Apart from the one week where I was really sick, I've slowly built the mileage each week. Last week I logged 120 km's, whilst not a lot, I'm quite happy with where I'm at. I've been running without injury or pain and to be honest, my enthusiasm for running has increased.

My coach, Sean Williams, scheduled some of my favourite sessions last week. Windsprints on Tuesday, long intervals Thursday and a longer tempo on Saturday (12 km's), all on grass/dirt. I did my longer Wednesday & Sunday runs through the undulating trails near home and the Monday & Friday recovery runs on grass. All up probably only around 20 km's or so on the road (session warm-ups / warm-downs on the way to / from training).

For the past couple of weeks I've been experimenting with Vibram Fivefingers (Bikila's). I've been using these for the Monday & Friday recovery runs and really concentrating on my technique. When I was down Melbourne way for the Victoria Masters 10,000 metre race, one of the girls down there commented that I really hit the ground hard making a loud slapping sound. It got me thinking about my footstrike, which tends to be heel first, especially when I'm fatiguing. The fivefingers are really frcing me to run with a more even footstrike and I've noticed some improvement. I've always ran uphill sections quite strongly. I guess living in the mountains you can't really hide from hills. Despite the solid uphill ability, I'm dead sead terrible with the downhill, especially on the trails. Last Monday I decided to try and do something about this. I usually follow my recovery jogs with 5 relaxed strides. I've been reading a few books & watching youtube stuff on the net and stumbled across some different ideas. The first thing I noticed is that there are various schools of thought. Some advocate, heel first footstriking and others midfoot or forefoot striking. After much research I came to the conclusion that I should just go out and run and do what feels most comfortable to me.

After a few runs in the Bikila's I've sort of adapted to a more midfoot strike without any conscious effort. I have had to make a deliberate adaption though for downhill running. That is leaning a little further forward and inflecting the knee at impact a tad. I've always known that you should lean from the ankles and let gravity do its thing, but it just hasn't felt natural to me. However by relaxing the knees at impact and moving the hips slightly forward, it has made a huge difference to my downhill running/. Instead of running with a natural breaking motion that stresses my lower back (ongoing cause of pain), I actually felt like I had some suspension. The usual pain I get in the lower back wasn't there and I also felt more confident to just let go and let gravity get me down the hill. Last night I crusied quite quickly down a long steep hill that normally scares the hell out of me. It was a great feeling. I'll keep working at it.

Some notes for my own benefit on technique. Others can say it is right or wrong, but at this stage I really don't care. Something to start working on and refine if necessary:

1) Hips forward but relaxed. I'm visualising that feeling of when you do those pelvic floor exercises to work on the TA's. The hips feel a little lower but more forward;
2) Maintain upright posture but lean slightly forward from the ankles;
3) Slight knee inflection on landing. Keeping the hips forward and slightly lower seems to naturally lead to this;
4) Concentrate on firing the hamstrings / glutes on lift-off.

There it is, my work in progress.

Key sessions last week:

Tuesday - 5 km windsprints - 17:02 (90% effort on grass). Floated the curves easily.
Thursday - 3 x 3.55 km's off 2:45 min recovery. Tough session on dirt. Splits: 12:42 / 12:34 / 12:58. Went too hard on the second and struggled on the 3rd.
Saturday - 12 km tempo - 42:24. Solid effort with a negative split and 3:19 final km kickdown. Okay.

Calendar Notes By Date:

Date:   29/05/2011
Time:   3:40 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  LongRun
Route:  Winmalee - School - Bees Nest - Swamp - Winmalee
Distance:  22.50 (km)
Duration:  1:46:31 (H:M:S)
Pace: 4:44 (m/km)
Effort:  6
Notes:  Trail run - undulating. 1 longish steep downhill AND 1 longish uphill.

Date:   28/05/2011
Time:   5:00 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  Recovery
Distance:  3.50 (km)
Duration:  0:20:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 5:43 (m/km)
Effort:  2
Notes:  Warm-down

Date:   28/05/2011
Time:   4:56 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  EasyRun/Jog
Route:  Redfern - CP
Distance:  3.50 (km)
Duration:  0:17:24 (H:M:S)
Pace: 4:58 (m/km)
Effort:  3
Notes:  Warm-up

Date:   28/05/2011
Time:   8:05 AM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  QuickRun
Distance:  12.00 (km)
Duration:  0:42:24 (H:M:S)
Pace: 3:32 (m/km)
Group Run:  YES
Effort:  9
Notes:  Felt sluggish, but managed to run a negative split and kick down for a 3:19 final km.

Date:   27/05/2011
Time:   3:30 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  Recovery
Route:  Parramatta Park - X/C
Distance:  5.80 (km)
Duration:  0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 5:10 (m/km)
Effort:  3
Notes:  Ran in vibram's and concentrated on foot-strike.

Date:   26/05/2011
Time:   5:40 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  Recovery
Route:  CP - Central
Distance:  3.50 (km)
Duration:  0:20:15 (H:M:S)
Pace: 5:47 (m/km)
Effort:  2
Notes:  Warm down

Date:   26/05/2011
Time:   4:45 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  IntervalTraining
Route:  CP - White Fence
Distance:  11.20 (km)
Duration:  0:43:55 (H:M:S)
Pace: 3:55 (m/km)
Group Run:  YES
Effort:  9
Notes:  3 x white fence (3.55 km's) - splits 12:42 / 12:34 / 12:58. Short recovery - 2:45. Good pace 1st lap / a little too quick on the second lap / struggled on 3rd lap but maintained even pace.

Date:   26/05/2011
Time:   3:50 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  EasyRun/Jog
Route:  Central - CP
Distance:  6.20 (km)
Duration:  0:30:16 (H:M:S)
Pace: 4:53 (m/km)
Effort:  3
Notes:  Warm-up

Date:   25/05/2011
Time:   1:55 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  EasyRun/Jog
Route:  Winmalee - Ridge - Swamp - Winmalee
Distance:  23.10 (km)
Duration:  1:50:46 (H:M:S)
Pace: 4:48 (m/km)
Effort:  6
Notes:  Trail run. 2 loops of the Swamp AND Ridge. Rolling hills over the Ridge then long steep downhill followed by relatively flat section through the swamp and long steep hill back up to the Ridge. 8.9 km's each loop. Remainder of run along footpath between the National Park and home. Average H/R 134. A little leg heavy on the second loop. Finished run with 5 x 100 m relaxed strides with jog recovery. Last 3 downhill on grass focusing on technique. In particular placing more weight forward from the ankles and using gravity.

Date:   24/05/2011
Time:   5:10 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  Recovery
Route:  CP - Central
Distance:  5.60 (km)
Duration:  0:31:52 (H:M:S)
Pace: 5:41 (m/km)
Effort:  2
Notes:  Warm down

Date:   24/05/2011
Time:   4:45 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  SpeedWork
Route:  Mackay Oval, CP
Distance:  5.00 (km)
Duration:  0:17:02 (H:M:S)
Pace: 3:24 (m/km)
Group Run:  YES
Effort:  8
Notes:  5 km straights AND curves session. 90-95% effort on the straights. Floated the curves at around 80% effort. Average H/R 165

Date:   24/05/2011
Time:   4:15 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  EasyRun/Jog
Route:  Town Hall - CP
Distance:  5.60 (km)
Duration:  0:28:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 5:00 (m/km)
Effort:  3
Notes:  Warm-up

Date:   23/05/2011
Time:   1:00 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  Sprints
Route:  Track - Fairfield (Grass)
Distance:  1.00 (km)
Duration:  0:06:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 6:00 (m/km)
Effort:  7
Notes:  Strides - 5 x 100 (1) - Relaxed

Date:   23/05/2011
Time:   12:00 PM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  EasyRun/Jog
Route:  Track - Fairfield (Grass)
Distance:  12.00 (km)
Duration:  1:00:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 5:00 (m/km)
Effort:  4
Notes:  E 60

Date:   22/05/2011
Time:   8:35 AM
Type of day:  Workout
Type of run:  EasyRun/Jog
Route:  Winmalee - Ridge - Swamp (x2) - School - Winmalee
Distance:  24.60 (km)
Duration:  2:01:33 (H:M:S)
Pace: 4:56 (m/km)
Effort:  5
Notes:  Trail run with 2 tough hills.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Victorian Masters 10000

It's been a long time since I put in a decent race, so it was great to get a win in the Victorian Masters 10000 metre track race last week. The time was 34:32, which was only 10 seconds off my PB.

The majority of my running last week was either on grass or trails. After being crook for the 2 weeks prior, it was especially nice to get all planned sessions in.

Brief summary is as follows:

Monday (16/5)

8 km's jogging - 40 mins

Tuesday (17/5)

Vic Masters Race - The race started quicker than I expected. I sat in 5th place through the first lap in 78 seconds. My plan was to aim for even 81's and try and hold on. Whilst I would've liked to go a little easier I wanted to stay in touch as the race was interstate and I didn't know any of the other runners. 3 of the runners dropped off early in the second lap and I went into the lead despite deliberately slowing my pace. I went through the first 2000 in 6:46 and I could hear another guy close behind. This was encouraging because I was hoping for support. Unfortunately he didn't hold the pace for much longer and it was a solo time trial after that. My lack of fitness showed with each 2000 split progressively slowing a little. The last 2000 was a very ordinary 7:04. I gave my all but just couldn't lift. Given the minimal training in recent weeks, I was very happy with the run.

All up 17 km's including warm up and warm down.

Wednesday (18/3)

My legs were still very lactic 24 hours later. I ended up running a very pedestrian 22 km's or so in 1:47. Enjoyable run though around Melbourne's Botannical Gardens.

Thursday (19/3)

My legs were still pretty zapped but turned up for the session with the squad. Session consisted of 5 x 800 hill loop , short recovery and a 3.7 km tempo. All up a little over 12 km's with the warm up and warm down. Interval splits 2:52/2:42/2:38/2:37/2:40. Relaxed tempo at 3:43 pace.

Friday (20/3)

Easy jog of just over 11 km's on grass.

Saturday (21/3)

8 km tempo in 28:39. Relaxed marathon pace start and progressively picked up the pace each km, finishing with a 3:21. All up 18 km's.

Sunday (22/3)

Relaxed 2 hour trail run with a few challenging hills.

All up 112 km's for the week. Plan is to build on this a little next week and ease back the following week for the NSW 10k Road Championships race. After that a few hard weeks leading up to the Gold Coast 1/2 marathon. Will then get back into marathon training mode for the Chicago Marathon.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sleep, sleep & more sleep!

This week I've been struck down with a bug & as the title suggests I've done nothing but sleep all week.

Slept until 11.30 am after going to bed before 9 the night before. Had some lunch and went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Dragged myself out for a pathetic 30 min run / 6 kms. Felt terrible so quit early.

Slept in until 10 am. Forced myself to train by driving the usual 80 kms each way to train with the squad at Centennial Park. In hindsight I probably should've had a day off. All up did around 12 kms. The actual session consisted of 6 x 800 with around 35-40 seconds recovery. My splits were very poor and I finished well behind all of the group. Breathing was really tough and the flu got the better of me. Splits: 2:35/2:35/2:35/2:37/2:39/2:40. This was supposed to be followed by 4 x 200's but I had to bale and just do a warm down.

Wednesday - Complete rest (too sick) - More sleep.

Thursday - Same as Wednesday

Friday - I managed a pathetic 4.5 km jog in 22.5 mins. Still struggling with the flu.

All up 14.5 kms. 3'x 2000. Splits 6:55/6:53/6:44. Struggled but at least held it together and progressively picked up the pace each interval. Breathing still tough and still plenty of crap on my chest.

Slept in till 10 am. Had lunch and an afternoon nap before another pathetic 30 min jog of 6 kms.

A really crappy week of training and hardly the ideal preparation for a 10000 metre track race on Tuesday night in Melbourne. Would pull out but flights and accommodation has been booked and paid for. Plus I won this race last year and would like to have another crack at it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Colder weather!

I'm a big country music fan and I really love Zac Brown's song, Colder Weather! Along with Kid Rock's "Born Free" album, this is my favourite music this year so far.  I also look forward to running in the colder weather after a hot summer. The only problem is I always seem to pick up a flu early in the season. Lo & behold, the trend has continued. Laying in bed on Tuesday night and I just knew then and there that I'd succumbed again. The only thing I was wondering is how long and how bad? Well I'm still struggling, but not bad enough to stop me from running.

It was Mother's Day today, so I let the diet lapse a treated myself to a single beer.

Summary for the past week is as follows:

Monday (2/5)

Easy jog - 10 km's - 50:12

Tuesday (3/5)

V02 Session - 6 km's (300 float / 700 hard) - 20:45

Felt pretty good. Ran solidly and picked up the pace each 2 km's. 2 km splits: 7:00 / 6:58 / 6:47

All up 15 km's in 1:05:45

Wednesday (4/5)

20 km's - 1:32:02

Flu symptons today. Headache, tiredness, chesty cough, sore throat. Ran okay. Started slowly & picked up pace to an easy pace. Didn't feel well afterwards.

Thursday (5/5)

10.6 km's - 50:55

Felt pretty good, but breathing a little hindered due to flu.

Friday (6/5)

5 km's - 24:25

Felt okay. Light jogging into easy.

Saturday (7/5)

6 km's tempo - 20:59

Struggled with the breathing a bit due to flu, but ran cautiously. Started slowly and picked up a little.

All-up 11.7 km's - 52:18

Sunday (8/5)

Easy long run - 30.3 km's - 2:21:34

Struggled, breathing tough due to flu. Happy though to at least get a decent, albeit slow, long run under my belt.

All up 102.6 km's - 7:57:12 (Average Pace - 4:39)

Reasonably happy with the progress this week. Fairly light week, with a few decent runs in there. Would've been nice not to pick up a flu though.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nearly ready to get serious again!

3 weeks have passed since the Rotterdam Marathon and I'm now physically and mentally ready to get serious again! Time to start eating healthy again and give away the beers for a while.

I've got a few races planned over the next 2 months, before getting marathon specific for October's Chicago Marathon:

17/5 - Victorian Masters 10,000 metre track race.
4/6 - NSW State 10,000 Road Championships
3/7 - Gold Coast 1/2 Marathon

I picked up the mileage a bit last week and entered a low key 1/2 marathon on the spur of the moment.

Summary of training last week is as follows:

Monday 25/4 -

12.8 km's - 57:28 - Pleasant run in the rain. Light progressive paced, started at a jog, into easy and finishing steady.

Tuesday 26/4 - 5 km light windsprints session (30 seconds hard / 30 seconds jog recovery)

15.9 km's - 1:10:58 - A little sluggish. Ran the windsprints based on right foot landstrikes. 45 on 45 off. Windsprints mainly over a hilly trail. Didn't focus on times, in fact didn't even time the splits. Effort about 85-90%. Average H/R 142.

Wednesday 27/4

23.7 km's - 1:52:30 - Hilly trail run. Sluggish. Tired legs and stiff in the lower back. Found the downhill over the last 7 km's tough. Average H/R 138.

Thursday 28/4


Friday 29/4

15.9 km's - 1:14:31 - Easy effort. 1/2 road & 1/2 grass.

Saturday 30/4


Sunday 1/5

1.6k warm up & 8 km warm down.

Got what I hoped for out of the race. 77:55 - Reasonable time, despite being nearly 3 mins below PB (75:04) set at Gold Coast last year. Felt a little sluggish & lacked speed, however strength was fine. Held a reasonable pace throughout and finished solidly. Expected this considering that I'm still in marathon recovery mode, low mileage, 3 hilly runs over past week, weight gain (3 kgs),  and focus on aerobic running instead of speedwork.

All up 99 km's for the week - 7:26:23 (Average Pace - 4:31)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cheese, Beer, Paris, Hash & Recovery!

As I mentioned in my last Blog I was in extreme pain after the race. The pain in my lower back over the next 4 days was excrutiating to say the least. I won't pretend for a minute to compare it to child birth, which obviously never know about, but it was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my lifetime. It probably didn't help that I'd caught the train from Rotterdam and gone to Paris and was intent on seeing the sights, no matter how much pain I was in. The 700 metre walk from the train station in Paris to my room seriously took more than 30 minutes to complete. I was actually passed from an old lady with a walking frame.

I've never been to Europe before so I wasn't about to sit about the room and twiddle my thumbs, so I forced myself to walk around Paris. What an amazing city! So beautiful! As for the locals, well, exercising diplomacy I'll just say that I've never come across so many arrogant individuals in 1 place.

I didn't see much for the first 3 days in Paris. I could only manage to get to Sacre-Couer, Notre Dame, Versailles Palace, The Eiffel Tower and the local laundry. After 2 weeks abroad, I had run out of clean clothes and had to do the washing. I had no idea how to use the machines and the instructions were in French. Luckily there was 1 other person in the place and he knew how to operate the machines. Nice to come across a helpful local.

I'm very partial to cheese and normally I refrain from eating any at all. However, I do allow myself to indulge a little after each marathon. Cheesecake washed down with a few beers is usually my favourite post marathon dinner. I wasn't in Rotterdam for long enough to get the lay of the land, so I just settled for mushroom risotto and a few dutch beers. I was too sore anyway to go looking for pizza & cheesecake. The beers tasted good though. I made up for it in Paris though, nearly every meal I could find there seems to contain cheese whether I wanted it or not. Cheese toasties, pizza, panini's etc etc. I never did find any cheesecake and it wasn't until I got home that I tucked into a slice. I sampled some local beers in Paris but switched quickly to Dutch beers, which along with Belgian Beer is more suited to my palate.

I must say that the French girls are the prettiest I've ever seen.

Versailles Palace was a highlight for me. The gardens are out of this world. Unbelieveable! The extravagance of the place certainly explains why the French revolted against the Royal family.


I didn't do much my first day in Paris. I went to Sacre-Couer and sat through most of a service there. I wanted to stay the whole time out of respect, but my back was just to sore and I couldn't understand a word spoken anyway, so I discreetly left. The Catherdral was beautiful inside and out.


Day 2 in Paris involved a trip to Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. It was quite ironic that I should visit Notre Dame when I was hunched over with a sore back.


On my 3rd day in Paris, I went to Versailles Palace with a German guy & Cypriot guy that I met at the hostel. My back was so sore and I couldn't keep up with them and ended losing them.


AM - My back was slightly better on the 4th day in Paris, so I decided to go for a jog. I think the scenery took my mind off any pain and I ended up jogging 9.5 km's in 47:36. I had only planned on jogging 20 mins and catching the metro back, but the scenery was so spectactular I just kept going. Ran past Moullin Rough, down to the Arc De Triomphe, along the Champs Elysees, past the Louvre, over the River Seine and finishing at Notre Dame. Definitely one of my favourite ever runs, despite dodging a lot of traffic.


AM - 7.9 km's - 38:08 - Still in Paris. Again ran to the Arc De Triomphe but caught the metro back from there. Felt pretty good and didn't notice the back pain much.

Spent the rest of the day and until late in the evening checking out the sights of Paris. Most of which I had already seen, but wanted to see again. The Eiffel Tower at night is pretty special.


Back to Holland and into the city of Amsterdam. I couldn't help but notice all the buildings that looked like they were falling over in different directions. The red light district was something else. I've never walked past scantilly clad girls in shop windows before. Mostly ugly one's but a few eye catchers. Whilst I've never been to Amsterdam before, obviously I had an idea of what it was about. I must say though that the smell of hash was far worse than I had expected. I'm a pretty nerdy type and have never touched any drug in my entire life, but I reckon one could get high just passively taking in the smelly air whilst walking around. Amsterdam was without doubt the most expensive city that I stayed at. Still I liked the canals, the parks, the architecture and was amused at the red light district etc. The one thing that struck me was the number of bikes around. I knew there would be a lot, but hadn't expected so many.

Anyway, on the subject of running, I put in a really nice run on my first day in Amsterdam. Surprisingly I was feeling great and ended up running 14.3 km's in 1 hour. I started off very easy and without really trying to or noticing it, I'd picked up the pace to low 4:00's and was still feeling fantastic. I ended up picking the pace up to marathon pace and putting in a 3:24 second last km just for the sake of it.


PM - 10.3 km's - 50:06

Second last day in Amsterdam, spent the day walking around  the canals & parks.

All up just 42 km's for the week.


PM - 8.3 km's - 38:02 (around Schipol Airport, Holland)

Last day before heading home. I spent the day wandering around Amsterdam with Sugi, a Balinese guy I met at the hostel who is living in London. We headed to Ann Frank House. Whilst being there was undoubtedly profound, sad and moving, it also reminded me of how lucky I am to have been born free in Australia. For the past week, I was quite homesick and missing the kids, my family and my g/f Sammy. I really enjoyed my time in Europe and marvelled at the things I saw over the past 3 weeks, but without doubt, there's no place like home.

19/4 & 20/4

No running these 2 days as I was in the process of flying back to Australia. I had considered a jog in KL, whilst in transit but I was so sleepy that I crashed on a lounge at the airport and slept for 4 hours. Spent the next 2 hours in the priority lounge gorging myself. Had a few beers, 2 mains & 5 servings of ice cream plus other sweets.

Home Sweet Home on the 20th.


PM - 13.9 km's - 1:01:29 - Progressive effort.


Back off again, but this time with the kids to my parent's place on the South Coast (Kianga).

Rested again. Tired and stiff after the 5 hour drive. Ended up falling asleep within 10 minutes of arriving and not getting back up for another 5 hours. By that time it was too late to jog. Still getting over the jetlag.


Still getting over the jetlag, but actually put in a really solid run over hills. One of my favourite runs that I alwasys like to do when I go down to Kianga. I start at Mum & Dad's place on the beach, head out to the forest and then up a steep hill. At the 7 km mark the road levels out involves an underlating section for several km's before heading back downhill. Cross over the highway and then a nice 7 km beach run section back home. All up 23.7 km's for the loop, with over 500 metres of ascending.

Covered the distance in 1:44:51 progressively picking up the pace and getting down to low 4:00's over the final few km's and quicker than marathon pace at the end. Average pace was 4:25's. From memory, I think this is probably the quickest average pace that I have ever done for this particular run.


PM - 9 km's - 40:18 (progressive effort again)

All up 54.9 km's for the week in 4:04 hrs.

So there it is. 2 Blogs summarising the past 5 weeks. I'll update the current week in the next few days and will make more of an effort to keep up to date.

About time I updated the Blog!

It's been well over a month since I last updated the BLOG. I returned from Europe just over a week back and immediately headed down south to Narooma over Easter and spent time with the family. As such, I'll give a day by day run down on what I've been up to and a little commentary on the Rotterdam Marathon afterwards.

4 weeks to go

14/3 - Left heel sore.

- Did 20 mins swimming (30x25 plus warm-up & warm down)
- 40 mins deepwater pool running (hard/easy)

15/3 - Left heel still sore

AM - 45 mins deepwater running (30 secs on/off hard/easy)
PM - 8 x 300 (1) - 53/50/51/52/53/51/53/52 (grass) followed by 4 km tempo (dirt) - 14:07 (consistent 3:31/3:32's). Solid session - All up 15.2 km's including warm-up & warm-down.

16/3 - Left heel still sore, plus calf.

PM - 25 km's - 1:53:44

17/3 - Left heel & calf still sore.

AM - 45 mins deepwater running (hard/easy) followed by 5.5 km's light jogging - 27:30
PM - 6 km's (700 hard/300 float) - 20:13. Solid session. Finished strongly, but with sore heel & calf. All up, 14.2 km's including warm-up & warm-down.

18/3 - Heel & calf still sore.

AM - 1:00 deepwater running (hard/easy)
PM - 10 km's - 50:03


PM - 34 km's - 2:26:35 (included 16 km's of marathon paced intervals). Felt sick & struggled with the trots.

20/3 - Still suffering niggles

50 mins deepwater running.

All up - 103 km's of actual running, plus 4 hours pool running & swimming - 11:47 hrs (excluding swimming)

3 weeks to go

21/3 - Left hammy sore again but higher up.

AM - 25 km's - 1:53:02 - included 5 x 1000 @ 3:18 pace.
PM - 12 km's - 1:01

22/3 - Left hammy still sore

AM - 6 km's - 31:23
PM - 11.5 km's - 55:00 (finished with 5 x 100 metre strides)


AM - 15 km's - 59:06 (progression run)
- 3 km's easy (4:15/4:10's), 5 km's steady (4:00's), 2 km's marathon pace effort, 1 km 1/2 marathon pace effort, 1 km 10k effort, then eased back final 3 km's to marathon paced effort. Felt very solid and at no stage overdoing it. Didn't consciously pick up the pace, it just felt easy. Slowed deliberately though when I looked at the watch and saw a 3:29 1 km split. Pulled up fine.


AM - 10.5 km's - 52:30 - included 5 x 30 second strides.


AM - 9 km's - 40 mins
- 6.5 km's to 7 km's at roughly 4:00 km pace then slow recovery jog. Felt fine.

PM - 4 km's - 22:00


PM - State 10,000 (Track) 34:48

- Solid race. Felt relaxed and didn't really push hard. Soles of feet sore due to spikes. Sore after 2 km's and got progressively worse. Finished strongly despite intense pain in feet. Ran solo the whole way. A little windy but reasonably cool. Confident that with a little support and without the intense pain (led to blisters), I could get close to PB or possibly improve on it. Overall, hapy with run considering I didn't taper and am in a marathon training block.

All up 16 km's including warm-up & warm-down.


AM - 27 km's - 1:59:52
- Jogged 9 km's then picked up the pace to easy / steady. Soles of feet extremley sore due to blisters sustained after last night's race. ot enough sleep. 26 hour flight to London that afternoon. Feet "blew up" (swelling) due to flight and blisters (both feel on outside and toes) got much worse, eventually bursting.

All up 136 km's - 10:18 hrs for the week.

2 weeks to go

28/3 (London time)

PM - 10 km's - 51:16 (London - Picadilly Circus / St.James Park / Hyde Park / Picadilly Circus)
- Very tired & stiff after flight. Sore blistered & swollen feet.


AM - 15.5 km's - 1:10:10 (London - Regent Street / Hyde Park / Soho)
- Included 8 x 100 steady strides on dirt @ Hyde Park. Felt okay byt feet still sore.


AM - 10.0 km's - 47:15 (London - Soho / Hyde Park / Westminster Abbey / Trafalgar Squae)
- A little tired.


AM - 21.8 km's - 1:32:22 (London - Soho / Hyde Park).
- Included 2 x 6 km's at marathon paced effort (1 km easy recovery).
- A little sluggish. Took a little while to get into some rythym. Averaged 3:49's for first interval & 3:45's for 2nd.


PM - 9.6 km's - 48:20 (London - Soho / Hyde Park)


AM - 3 x 1600 (Edinburgh - Pilrig Park)
- Ran barefoot and struggled with both the soft grass & freezing & windy conditions. All-up 12.2 km's - 54:43 mins. Didn't worry about split times, irrelevant in the conditions. Gave 95% effort.


AM - 14 km's - 59:45 (Edinburgh - Leith / Holrood Palace)

All up - 93.1 km's - 7:03 hrs

Marathon week

AM - 4.2 km's - 20:42 (Perth, Scotland)

Great to be in the home town of my Scottish ancestors from Mum's side of the family.


PM - 12.3 km's - 53:39 (Malswick / Newent in Gloucestshire England)

Progressive run. 4 km's jogging, 4 km's easy, 4 km's at marathon pace effort. A little hilly and windy. Felt a bit sluggish and stiff. NB: Had spent 6 hours driving prior to run. Overall okay with effort. Didn't push hard.

Really beautiful countryside.


PM - 8 km's - 39:57 (Reading, England)

Jogged then finished with 5 x 100 metres off 1 minute jog recovery.


PM - 8.6 km's - 41:05 (London - Soho / Hyde Park)

Included 6 x 30 seconds


PM - 2 km's - 10:00 (Rotterdam)

Did a lot of walking and was feeling a bit tired after flight over from London.


PM - 4.1 km's - 20:02

10/4 - ROTTERDAM MARATHON - 2:42:37

13-17 degrees / 50% humidity / 13-17 km/h easterly winds / clear skies (11 am start)

Got sunburnt during race. Was hoping for better conditions but not to be.

Found the going tough over the last 10 km's. Slowed to 4 min pace at 38 km's but was putting in 100% effort. Took gels and water at 1 hours / 2 hours / 2:20 hours. Possibly a little depleted and dehydrated. Very salty & sunburnt at the finish.

Net split times as follows:

5 Kilometer 18:51 (18:51)
10 Kilometer 37:40 (18:49)
15 Kilometer 56:39 (18:59)
20 Kilometer 1:15:23 (18:44)
Half marathon 1:19:42
25 Kilometer 1:34:36 (19:13)
30 Kilometer 1:54:01 (19:25)
35 Kilometer 2:13:37 (19:36)
40 Kilometer 2:33:36 (19:59)

Overall, despite missing a sub 2:40 & PB, I was pleased with my race & effort given the restricted preparation due to injury. No complaints though. I started the race feeling great, but was no doubt a little under-prepared. 2nd best marathon time. 9th age / 111th overall from 7500 odd finishers.

The big downside was the severe pain in my lower back after the race. Suffered excrutiating pain for the next 4 days and couldn't run at all for the following 3 days.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting back on track

Things are looking up! Well my Rotterdam Marathon prospects are looking a lot better than they were 2 weeks back. No problems this week with the hamstring. Overall a solid week of training. Summary is as follows:

Mon 7/3
AM - Rest
PM - 60 mins jog (Grass - barefoot) - 12.2 km's. Followed by 5 x 100 strides

Tues 8/3
AM - 30 mins jog (Grass)
PM - Straights & Curves Session (Grass) - 16:34 - 5 km's.  Worked hard. A little sluggish but happy with time in windy conditions and taking into consideration missed training recently and 39 km long run just 2 days beforehand. Ran session in flats, would've preferred barefoot or spikes. Total - 12 km's - 56:50

Wed 9/3
AM - Rest
PM - 25 km's - 1:51:43 - Tired. Not enough sleep last night. A little sluggish and heart rate higher than desired (average 137)

Thu 10/3
AM - 35 mins jogging - 7.1 km's
PM - Hills 10 x 500 metres (50-60 sec jog recovery). Sluggish session, wrong choice of footwear. Felt flat and tired. Should've worn spikes instead instead of distance flats. Erratic splits, slowed from 98's to 107's. Overall, I'm okay with the session. Had a tough week of training off limited base due to injury. Got the heart rate working high without real stress on the body, so hopefully will benefit in the coming weeks. Total - 10.3 km's.

Fri 11/3
AM - 30 mins jogging - 6 km's (Grass)
PM - 15.1 km's - 73:15 (Grass - barefoot)

Sat 12/3
AM - Rest
PM - 6 km's jogging - 29 mins (Grass - barefoot)

Sun 13/3
AM - Goal marathon pace - 30 km's - 1:52:46. Solid effort. Had to work but really happy with effort & outcome considering missed training and heat / humidity. Back sore afterwards. Good consistent splits. Average H/R 158. Peak 167. Warm & humid conditions - 22-23 degrees / 80-85% humidity. All up 33 km's including warm up and warm down.

All up 132.7 km's / 10:03 hrs for the week.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fingers crossed, it's back on!

I had some encouraging signs last week. After cross training Monday & Tuesday morning, I was able to slip the running shoes back on Tuesday evening and resume running. As the week progressed I was pleasantly surprised at my fitness levels. Training summary is as follows:

Monday 28/2
AM - Swimming 30 x 25 metres hard with 10 seconds recovery. All up 1.5 km's. Reps in 18-20 secs.
PM - Bike - 40 mins hard (35 km/h). All up 1 hour including warm up and warm down. Followed by core strength exercises, stretching & weights.

Tuesday 1/3
AM - Swimming 10 x 100 metres hard with 30 seconds recovery. All up 1.5 km's. Reps in around 1:40.
PM - 30 mins jogging - 6 km's. Followed by stretching and core exercises. Hamstring felt fine.

Wednesday 2/3
AM - 14 km's easy. Jogged 6 in around 30 mins and then picked up the pace, doing the remaining 8 km's in approx 33 mins. Concentrated on running tall, leaning slightly forward from the ankles and forefoot striking. Felt fit, hammy fine. Calves sore next morning.
PM - core / strength training.

Thursday 3/3
AM - 25 km's easy - 1:56. Calves

Friday 4/3
PM - 12 km's jogging. Calves still sore.

Saturday 5/3
AM - 10 km's tempo - 35:24. Started easy. 3:40's for first 3'kms and then progressively picked up the pace to 3:30's and last km in 3:25. Felt strong. Ran in flats
Instead of barefoot or spikes. Ave HR 157. Peak 167. Total
17 km's including warm up and warm down.

Sunday 6/3
PM 39 km's - 2:49. Felt great.
Progressively increased pace from
5:00's to sub 3:50's. Ave heart rate 130. Peak 153.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marathon Unlikey!

The hamstring hasn't responded to physio and rest putting my Rotterdam Marathon plans in grave doubt.

Running last week only totalled 42.2 km's. Cross trained. Included 10 km's of swimming and 2 hours of cycling.

Brief summary:

Monday - Physio + 1.5 km's swimming + core / strength
Tuesday - Swimming 2 km's
Wednesday - Physio + core + 6 km's jogging
Thursday - Walking + 6 km's jogging +
bike (40 mins hard - ave speed 32 km/h) + 2 km's jogging + walking. Followed by core & strength.
Friday - Physio + 2.5 km's swimming (40 x 25 metres with 10/15 secs recovery) + 12 km's jogging
Saturday - Swimmng 2.5 km's include 30 x 25 metres with 10 sec recovery.
Sunday - Had planned 20 km's but only managed 16.2 km's in 73 mins before hammy got sore. X/trained in the evening. Bike 60 mins include 40 mins hard. Followed by swimming 1.5 km's including 10 x 50 metres.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Injury woes continue

I've certainly had better weeks than the one just gone. The quad injury in my left leg progressed into a hamstring injury. Mileage was well down and quality down also. Summary as follows:

Monday - 1 hour pool running + core & strength work.
Tuesday - 25 km's easy. Quad improving but feeling tender in hammy.
Wednesday - Physio on quad / hammy. Told to rest. Did core & strength work only.
Thursday - 4 km's at 3:45 pace plus 6 strides. All up 20 km's. Hammy tender.
Friday - 10 km's easy in morning & 11 km's jogging in the evening. Hammy tender aftermevening session. Had physio mid-day and followed with core / strength.
Saturday - 6 km's jogging.
Sunday - planned to do 32 km's. 5 warm-up, 25 at marathon pace and 2 warm down. After 14 km's hammy was too sore to maintain pace so jogged back and only managed 22 km's. Hot & humid day.

Will rest until injury improves and continue with physio.

Only 106 km's for the week.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Forced Recovery Week

I decided to ramp up the core and strength work this week and paid the price for overdoing the leg weights. Picked up sore quads after Wednesday's weight training session, which I only made worse by doing the midweek medium long run afterwards.

Weekly summary is as follows:

Monday (7/2)
AM - 11 km's - 53:23
PM -  11.7 km's - 56:27

Also did core work & light leg weights.

Tuesday (8/2)
AM - 8.5 km's - 40:00
PM - Straights & Curves - 5,000 metres - 16:25 - Surprised myself by running a 12 second PB. Floated the curves & worked the straights. Total 15.3 km's including warm-up & warm down. Nice confidence booster.

Wednesday (9/2)
PM - 25 km's - 1:57:55 - Aerobic fitness great. Ran over undulation hills and average H/R was only 127. Quads really sore though. Did core work and leg strength training beforehand. Probably overdid the leg press work.

Thursday (10/2)
PM - Had planned to do 16 km's with 10 x 100 metre stride-outs towards the back end. Could only manage 10 km's in 46:42 before my left quad hurt immensely and I could no longer manage even a slow jog. Had to walk/limp the 6 km's back home.

Friday (11/2)
Too sore to manage even a jog or work-out on the eliptical machine. The best I could manage was 20 minutes on the rowing machine but this type of training doesn't really get my heart rate going much above brisk walking pace rate. I was feeling pain in the left quad doing the roing so had to go easy. Followed the rowing with around 60 minutes of core work.

Saturday (12/2)
AM - 8 km Tempo in 28:28. Aerobic fitness was good but I was feeling too tendor in the left quad to pick up the pace. The last 3 km's were quite uncomfortable. All up 13 km's of running including a 4 km warm-up and 1 km warm-down. Too sore to do more in the warm down.

Sunday (13/3)
AM - 27 km's -2:04:53. Really struggled with pain in the left quad after 6 km's or so. Had hoped to do a progressive paced 30 km long run. Could only manage 27 km's before being forced to quit. Was disappointing to pull up early as I was doing it very easy breathing wise. Average H/R was only 124, which suggests my fitness is pretty good. Usually this would be jogging intensity.

All up only 125 km's for the week (9:39 hours). I'm taking a glass half full view here. Sure I'd prefer to have done the usual 150 or so km's of running and completed my long run today, but a forced recovery week shouldn't cause any real problems. I'm quietly confident that the quad isn't too bad and really only needs a little rest. There's a little spot bruising and it's still uncomfortable to even walk, but touch wood I'll wake up tomorrow morning feeling fine. Will probably only do some water running tomorrow and will continue with this until the quad is good to go. Hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday I can resume normal training.

I've an important tune-up race next week. Will be doing a 5 km warm-up followed by 25 km race afterwards. The plan is to run to heart rate (160 average) to guage where my marathon pace fitness is at. The course is over undulating terrain. I will give myself a small min taper with only easy days planned for the Friday & Saturday before the race.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mercury Rising!

Bloody hot is the best way to describe the past week! Temperatures reached 40 degrees most days and never got below 25 degrees. Suffice to say running wasn't very comfortable. Training is progressing soundly. Weekly summary is as follows:

Monday (31/1)
AM - 10 km's - 52:14
PM - 10.1 km's - 49:54

Tuesday (1/2)
AM - 8 km's - 38:32
PM - 6 x 800 (1) - Splits: 2:32 / 2:30 / 2:27 / 2:30 / 2:32 / 2:32 - Struggled a little in the heat. Recovery was a little under 1 minute. Session total 13.1 km's - 60:13

Wednesday (2/2)
AM - 28 km's - 2:00:41

Thursday (3/3)
AM - Mona Fartlek - 5.5 km's - Intervals @ 3:20 pace or quicker. Recovery @ 4:12 pace. Session total 14.5 km's - 1:06:19. Felt a little sluggish & had to work hard.

Friday (4/3)
AM - 12 km's - 60:00. Followed session with a light core workout. Need to do more core strength work as I have neglected it since the Fukuoka Marathon. Will get stuck into it as from next week. Will concentrate on abs, glutes, lower back and hip flexors.

Saturday (5/3)
AM - 10 km Road Race - 36:39. Ran a little harder than tempo pace but below race effort. Missed a turn at 5 km's and had to redo shoelace. Probably lost 20-30 seconds. Very hot and humid (27 degrees / 80% humidity). Pulled up fine and recovered well. Total running including 2.5 km's warm-up & 5.4 km's warm -down - 17.9 km's - 1:16:36

Sunday (6/3)
AM - 38 km's - 2:53:26. Pretty cruisy effort but very warm & humid.

Feeling pretty strong. The heat took its toll this weak on speed, but I'm happy with how things are progressing for the Rotterdam Marathon. A cool change this afternoon and projected wet but cooler weather for next week is very much welcomed.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Steady as she goes!

Another hot week, but got through it fine with a few nice efforts along the way. Summary is as follows:

Monday (24/1)
AM - 12.3 km's - 1:00:00
PM - 10.3 km/s - 48:17 (small rolling hills)

Tuesday (25/1)
AM - 6.0 km's - 0:30:00
PM - 9 x 1000 (40 second jog recovery). My first VO2 session since prior to the Fukuoka Marathon last December. Put in a really nice effort and was very happy with the outcome. Felt pretty good despite slowing for the last 2 intervals, whichwere solo efforts. Splits: 3:16 / 3:15 / 3:18 / 3:15 / 3:16 / 3:17 / 3:17 / 3:20 / 3:23. (36:09 minutes / 10 km's for the VO2 portion of the session and all up 16 km's including warm-up and warm-down).

Wednesday (26/1)
AM - Bush Race - 3 hour team event race. My portion consisted of 9.1 km's (2 laps). I was part of a team of 4 called "Blue Mountains Marathon Clinic (BMMC) Youth Squad plus 1". Being the old guy on the team I represented the Plus 1. The weather was ridiculously hot and humid and the course was mainly single track, hilly and technical in places. Not my preferred conditions in any aspect, but I seemed to do okay on the day. Under normal conditions I'm probably the slowest guy on the team. The "youth" component of the team consisted of Earl & Jim, who are sub 31 & 33 10,000 metre runners respectively & Ed who is a low 16 5000m guy. Surprisingly, the old guy managed to achieve quicker lap times than my more illustrious & significantly younger team mates. Probably the only time I will ever get bragging rights over them, but you've gotta take them when you can. We won the team event comfortably, so that was a buzz. 4.55 km lap splits were 18:58 & 19:46. Sounds incredibly slow I admit but really it demonstrates the tough weather & track conditions. Total running 13.9 km's
PM - A lethargic 3 km amble in 19 mins

Thursday (27/1)
PM - 27 km's - 1:59:18 (ave H/R 126). Followed by 5 x 100 m strideouts

Friday (28/1)
PM - 11.9 km's - 1:00:37

Saturday (29/1)
AM - 8 km Tempo on grass followed by 10 x 100
Put in a PB session and felt very strong. Was running on at the end of the tempo and worked strongly on the stride-outs. Tempo in 27:09 (km splits - 3:26 / 3:29 / 3:23 / 3:27 / 3:25 / 3:23 / 3:19 / 3:17). Average H/R 158 (90% approx). All up 18 km's - 1:18:52

Sunday (30/1)
PM - Hilly Long Run - 36 km's - 2:44:57

Weekly Total - 154.4 km's - 11:55:59

Doing okay despite the hot weather!

Pretty good week of training. Consistency is the goal from now with a steady increase in speed as I get closer to the Rotterdam Marathon. Weekly summary is as follows:

17/1 - Mon
AM - 10 km's - 49:40
PM - 12 km's - 54:05

18/1 - Tue
AM - 6 km's - 30:05
PM - 8 x 400 (200)- 18:25 (77/78/75/75/78/78/76/76) followed by 500 m recovery jog then 4 km tempo - 14:56. Total running for session was 17.3 km's - 1:19:39

19/1 - Wed
AM - 5.3 km's - 30:00
PM - 25 km's - 1:57:16 (hilly)

20/1 - Thu
AM - 6 km's - 35:15 (hilly)
PM - 4 x (4x200) - 3 minutes jogging between sets and 1 minute cycles for each rep.
Splits: Set 1 - 36/37/34/34 - Set 2 - 34/35/35/35 - Set 3 - 34/34/34/34 - Set 4 - 35/34/33/32  Total running - 16.4kms - 1:22:36

21/1 - Fri
AM - 10.5 km's - 52:12

22/1 - Sat
4 x 2000. Splits: 6:37 / 6:45 / 6:41 / 6:34. Total running - 16.9 km's - 1:19:17

23/1 - Sun
AM - 34 km's - 2:34:53 (17 km's on grass then road with 8 x 500 strong hill surges then flat)

Weekly Total - 153.4 km's - 12:10:35

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hills & marathon practice

Well I really feel like I'm now back into the thick of things now. After a week of high mileage, numerous hills sessions, a marathon pace effort long run and high humidity, I'm feeling pretty battered. Summary is as follows:

Hilly Long Run - 36 km's - 2:52:34 (ran the uphill sections solidly - constant rain)

AM - 9.6 km's - 45:03
PM - Quarters Session - 8 x 400 (200 float) - 4.8 km's - 17:18 - Splits: 78/73/73/80/76/78/79/73 (Muggy conditions). Total 12.4 km's including warm-up & warm down.

AM - 9.1 km's - 48:05 (Hilly)
PM - 25km's - 1:54:46 (Very hilly - ran the uphill sections strongly)

AM - 14 km's - 1:07:47 (Hilly fartlek running - Surged the uphill sections)

AM - 11.6 km's - 1:01:27 (Hilly fartlek running - Surged the uphill sections)
PM - 10.3 km's - 51:28 (flat / relaxing)

PM - 5.1 km's - 24:57

AM - Long run - 30.3 km's - 2:03:07 - 9.2 km's relaxed easy running (40:02 / Ave H/R 131) followed by 1/2 marathon (83:05 / Ave H/R 161). Extremely tough conditions, hilly & warm/humid (23 degrees & 85% humidity). Ran to H/R. Followed by 2 km warm down.

Weekly total running - 1:65:40 - 12:56:24 hrs 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's a long way there!

When I think about the Rotterdam Marathon on 10 April, I can't help but think about the long road ahead. I'm nowhere near peak shape and am really struggling with the summer heat and rebuilding my mileage & finding some pace. I can't remember who said that "training builds you up for racing and racing breaks you down" and this is so true in my case. Prior to the Fukuoka Marathon, I felt strong and confident. I was really enjoying training and my motivation was fantastic. Following the Fukuoka Marathon, my confidence has been dented a lot and training wise I'm really struggling to put some decent runs together. I haven't lost any motivation or determination for that matter, but much needs to be done to rebuild my confidence.

It's always hard to guage where your fitness is at over summer and whilst you're in the early stages of base building, but I do feel that my endurance is well down and so is my pace. I still haven't been doing any VO2 sessions and continue to concentrate on tempo runs, leg turnover sessions and aerobic runs.

Summary of last week's training is as follows:

AM  - 5 x 1 minute (off 1 minute) @ 3:20 pace. - Total 13:00 km's - 1:02:26
PM - Easy 10.1 km's - 49:42

AM - 5 km jog - 26:03

5000 m track race - 17:03 - Struggled with the humidity. Well below PB of 16:37. Wasn't really expecting anything special though. Total running 13.6 km's - 59:20

AM - 20 km's - 1:31:17 over rolling hills
PM - 12.6 kms - 1:00:00

AM - 10.1 km's - 53:32
PM - 6 km's - 30:01

AM - 9.8 km tempo - 36:20 - Sound run in very muggy conditions but felt drained afterwards. Preceeded by 4.5 km's warm-up, drills & strides in 23:27. Followed by 7.3 km warm-down in 41 minutes.
PM - 5.2 km jog - 25:39

AM - 16 km's - 1:18:34 - felt tired & legs heavy. Decided to abort planned long run and go home and rest/sleep. Will do long run tomorrow.
PM - 11.2 km's - 56:39 - Felt better after a few hours nap.
Evening - 5.8 km's - 29:21

Total running - 150.2 km's - 12:03:25 hours.

Will do 3 hour long run tomorrow some time to make up for today.