Monday, March 7, 2011

Fingers crossed, it's back on!

I had some encouraging signs last week. After cross training Monday & Tuesday morning, I was able to slip the running shoes back on Tuesday evening and resume running. As the week progressed I was pleasantly surprised at my fitness levels. Training summary is as follows:

Monday 28/2
AM - Swimming 30 x 25 metres hard with 10 seconds recovery. All up 1.5 km's. Reps in 18-20 secs.
PM - Bike - 40 mins hard (35 km/h). All up 1 hour including warm up and warm down. Followed by core strength exercises, stretching & weights.

Tuesday 1/3
AM - Swimming 10 x 100 metres hard with 30 seconds recovery. All up 1.5 km's. Reps in around 1:40.
PM - 30 mins jogging - 6 km's. Followed by stretching and core exercises. Hamstring felt fine.

Wednesday 2/3
AM - 14 km's easy. Jogged 6 in around 30 mins and then picked up the pace, doing the remaining 8 km's in approx 33 mins. Concentrated on running tall, leaning slightly forward from the ankles and forefoot striking. Felt fit, hammy fine. Calves sore next morning.
PM - core / strength training.

Thursday 3/3
AM - 25 km's easy - 1:56. Calves

Friday 4/3
PM - 12 km's jogging. Calves still sore.

Saturday 5/3
AM - 10 km's tempo - 35:24. Started easy. 3:40's for first 3'kms and then progressively picked up the pace to 3:30's and last km in 3:25. Felt strong. Ran in flats
Instead of barefoot or spikes. Ave HR 157. Peak 167. Total
17 km's including warm up and warm down.

Sunday 6/3
PM 39 km's - 2:49. Felt great.
Progressively increased pace from
5:00's to sub 3:50's. Ave heart rate 130. Peak 153.

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