Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sleep, sleep & more sleep!

This week I've been struck down with a bug & as the title suggests I've done nothing but sleep all week.

Slept until 11.30 am after going to bed before 9 the night before. Had some lunch and went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Dragged myself out for a pathetic 30 min run / 6 kms. Felt terrible so quit early.

Slept in until 10 am. Forced myself to train by driving the usual 80 kms each way to train with the squad at Centennial Park. In hindsight I probably should've had a day off. All up did around 12 kms. The actual session consisted of 6 x 800 with around 35-40 seconds recovery. My splits were very poor and I finished well behind all of the group. Breathing was really tough and the flu got the better of me. Splits: 2:35/2:35/2:35/2:37/2:39/2:40. This was supposed to be followed by 4 x 200's but I had to bale and just do a warm down.

Wednesday - Complete rest (too sick) - More sleep.

Thursday - Same as Wednesday

Friday - I managed a pathetic 4.5 km jog in 22.5 mins. Still struggling with the flu.

All up 14.5 kms. 3'x 2000. Splits 6:55/6:53/6:44. Struggled but at least held it together and progressively picked up the pace each interval. Breathing still tough and still plenty of crap on my chest.

Slept in till 10 am. Had lunch and an afternoon nap before another pathetic 30 min jog of 6 kms.

A really crappy week of training and hardly the ideal preparation for a 10000 metre track race on Tuesday night in Melbourne. Would pull out but flights and accommodation has been booked and paid for. Plus I won this race last year and would like to have another crack at it.

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