Sunday, May 8, 2011

Colder weather!

I'm a big country music fan and I really love Zac Brown's song, Colder Weather! Along with Kid Rock's "Born Free" album, this is my favourite music this year so far.  I also look forward to running in the colder weather after a hot summer. The only problem is I always seem to pick up a flu early in the season. Lo & behold, the trend has continued. Laying in bed on Tuesday night and I just knew then and there that I'd succumbed again. The only thing I was wondering is how long and how bad? Well I'm still struggling, but not bad enough to stop me from running.

It was Mother's Day today, so I let the diet lapse a treated myself to a single beer.

Summary for the past week is as follows:

Monday (2/5)

Easy jog - 10 km's - 50:12

Tuesday (3/5)

V02 Session - 6 km's (300 float / 700 hard) - 20:45

Felt pretty good. Ran solidly and picked up the pace each 2 km's. 2 km splits: 7:00 / 6:58 / 6:47

All up 15 km's in 1:05:45

Wednesday (4/5)

20 km's - 1:32:02

Flu symptons today. Headache, tiredness, chesty cough, sore throat. Ran okay. Started slowly & picked up pace to an easy pace. Didn't feel well afterwards.

Thursday (5/5)

10.6 km's - 50:55

Felt pretty good, but breathing a little hindered due to flu.

Friday (6/5)

5 km's - 24:25

Felt okay. Light jogging into easy.

Saturday (7/5)

6 km's tempo - 20:59

Struggled with the breathing a bit due to flu, but ran cautiously. Started slowly and picked up a little.

All-up 11.7 km's - 52:18

Sunday (8/5)

Easy long run - 30.3 km's - 2:21:34

Struggled, breathing tough due to flu. Happy though to at least get a decent, albeit slow, long run under my belt.

All up 102.6 km's - 7:57:12 (Average Pace - 4:39)

Reasonably happy with the progress this week. Fairly light week, with a few decent runs in there. Would've been nice not to pick up a flu though.

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