Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Injury woes continue

I've certainly had better weeks than the one just gone. The quad injury in my left leg progressed into a hamstring injury. Mileage was well down and quality down also. Summary as follows:

Monday - 1 hour pool running + core & strength work.
Tuesday - 25 km's easy. Quad improving but feeling tender in hammy.
Wednesday - Physio on quad / hammy. Told to rest. Did core & strength work only.
Thursday - 4 km's at 3:45 pace plus 6 strides. All up 20 km's. Hammy tender.
Friday - 10 km's easy in morning & 11 km's jogging in the evening. Hammy tender aftermevening session. Had physio mid-day and followed with core / strength.
Saturday - 6 km's jogging.
Sunday - planned to do 32 km's. 5 warm-up, 25 at marathon pace and 2 warm down. After 14 km's hammy was too sore to maintain pace so jogged back and only managed 22 km's. Hot & humid day.

Will rest until injury improves and continue with physio.

Only 106 km's for the week.

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