Monday, September 19, 2011

Quicker than expected recovery

After yesterday's woes, it was pleasing to recover quickly and feel no ill effects today. I got an early night in and 8 hours of uninterupted sleep, which was nice. Headed off to work around 6 am for an early start so I could try and get out for a run at a decent hour. Headed out for a leisurely 15 km's (75 mins) at around 6:30 pm before going back to the office to tidy a few things up.

I was expecting to be feeling very stiff and sore today after getting the heart rate up much higher than planned yesterday, but other than feeling a little heavy in the legs, I actually felt great. I usually do find that warmer weather can add 10-20 BPM to my H/R, so I'm not prepared to write off yesterday's experience.

Seems that quite a few suffered yesterday due to the heat. I'm glad I was just treating it as a training run and it wasn't a goal race. I know the pain one feels when you train your backside off for months on end for a big race and then the weather gods mess it all up. I really feel for a few mates who raced the 1/2 or full marathon yesterday only to suffer this fate. Oh well, shit happens & as my old coach Barry Magee used to remind me "running is just a part of life, not everything".

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