Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Doing okay!

It's been nice to put together 4 steady training days.

Sunday - Was quite happy with the run. Conditions were windy, wet and cold and I was running on dirt and grass. Apart from the wind, I quite enjoy these conditions. All up I put together 35 km's in a bit over 2 hours 27 mins. Given that mother nature had been rather unkind to me for the past 5 days or so, I decided to experiment with Imodium pills. I can verify that they work. Didn't go for a day afterwards. I was actually very nervous about thus and drank 5 glasses of orange juice on Sunday night to push things along.

I started the run at a very easy 4:30 pace and slowly picked it up, covered the final 2 hours in under 4:10 pace but feeling very comfortable and chatting the while time.

Monday - 35 mins jogging

Tuesday - 10 x 300 in 59's/60's. Very relaxed. A bit windy and on grass. Around 45 second / 100 metre jog recovery. 5 min break and then 4 km tempo in 14:30 feeling quite relaxed. All up 20 km's for the session.

Wednesday - 10 km's easy jogging on grass. Felt relaxed.

Plan to do 20 km's tomorrow including a relaxed 8 km tempo.

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