Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been really slack over the past few months with updating my Blog. Truth be told, running has taken a little bit of a backseat due to a really heavy workload.

Since I last posted, I've only raced a few times. Did the GC 1/2 in 75:19 gun time, C2S in a disappointing 50:06 and my first trail race at Willy to Billy. Missed my sub 75 goal at GC but gave my all, so no complaints.

W2B was an experience. Didn't taper at all for it, just a but of fun. I actually got lost, adding an extra km, a big hill and around 5 mins. Finished in 13th, which is okay I suppose but I was completely smashed up and bonked with 2 kms to go. Physically it was so tough on the body with all the downhill sections. Running in flats probably didn't help either. Might try another trail race but not in the near future.

Since GC, I've been training for the Chicago Marathon. With only 3.5 weeks to go, I'm getting that old feeling of excitement and nervousness. I'll be doing this one of my lowest training base for any marathon. I'd estimate that I'm only averaging 110 kms per week. Will be interesting to see how I go. I've been doing all the key runs, just not the morning recovery jogs. The bigger picture for me is London Marathon 2012, but I'll certainly be giving my best effort in Chicago.

I must admit that since I last posted, I had forgotten I even had a Blog. I only ever really started it for my own records. Been so surprised when a few people actually asked me when will I be posting again. So I guess I had better keep it up.

Got a new toy today. Garmin 610. Looking forward to trying it out.

Today I did a nice solid tempo intervals session, starting easy and progressively picking it up. Ran at Centennial Park with the squad. Big Jim made me work as we got into it. 3 x 3.55 km white fence loops on dirt off 16 minute cycles. 14:10 / 12:56 / 12:30. Probably wouldn't call the last one tempo. Ran strongly but closer to race effort. Nit quite chunder territory but a little harder than I'd normally go in training.

Possibly pacing the Sydney Marathon Festival 80 min 1/2 on Sunday. Just waiting for confirmation. If in, will do a long warm down to get 32 kms plus in. If not, will do a 12 km tempo on Saturday and 2 hrs 30 mins fast finish on Sunday. Either way suits me.

A few mates are heading o/s this weekend. Good luck to Mo & Chris in Berlin and Bren (Mr D) in Wales.

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