Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Struck down!

I've been hit with the Bali Belly these past 2 days. I've lost count of the number of trips I've taken to the bathroom. 30-40 wouldn't be exagerating. In fact I had to stop 3 times during my run tonight, which was very frustrating.

I haven't quite managed to get the mileage in I had hoped, but not too far off. Yesterday I trained alone on the treadmill. That gave me a sense of security knowing the bathroom is nearby. I had planned to do a 6 km fartlek of 700 hard / 300 float, but on account of feeling a little off colour I settled for 6 x 600 reasonably hard / 300 jog. This equated to 2 mins @ 3:20 pace followed by 1:30 @ 5:00 pace. Only 10 km's all up.

Tonight I ran 25 km's in 1 hr 50 mins. 9 km easy followed by 8 x 1 km with 1 km recovery. Splits: 4:03 / 3:55 / 3:40 / 3:40 / 3:43 / 343 / 3:39 / 3:33. Not a bad session, but I wasn't really feeling too good. It's not  easy running when you have the runs of the other variety. Felt pretty bloody awful afterwards and still not feeling too flash. Hopefully I'll wake up feeling a million bucks tomorrow. Well that's the plan.

How good is this time of year? Been having fantastic weather. Gotta love it! I'm excited about marathon season. 3 of the majors over the next couple of months. Friends running in Berlin and Chicago, plus my myself doing my first major in Chicago. I hope the atmosphere lives up to my expectations. Fukuoka last December was unbelievable for crowd support and Rotterdam in April was pretty good too. Very different from Canberra where it gets a bit lonely apart from cowbell corner.

I've started reading a few mates blogs and must say they are lot more entertaining than the training log dribble I write down. Tiger solving the rubiks cube whilst standing on one leg on a balance ball was pretty damn impressive and has to be the highlight for me.

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