Monday, June 27, 2011

Taper Week

Less than a week to go until the Gold Coast Half Marathon now. I'm really looking forward to this race. Over the past week and a half I've concentrated on sharpening my speed combined with tempo endurance. I've cut the mileage back a bit in the process and worked on my strength. A brief summary of key sessions is as follows:

Saturday 18/6
- 12 km tempo on grass in shoes. Felt very sluggish so cruised around in a little under marathon pace.

Sunday 19/6
- 2 hour run from Parramatta into the city. GPS played up, but I'd estimate 27 kms on the conservative side. Easy sort of pace but ran the hilly sections strongly. Caught the train back. Ran with a backpack. Wanna do a few sessions with the backpack as I'm keen on having a crack at Kepler trail in December.

115 kms for the week.

Tuesday 21/6
12.5 km road tempo at around 3:50 pace. Pretty cruisy with a few solid hills in there.

Thursday 23/6
5000 track race. Treated it more like a fartlek session. First few kms as 100 m straights & curves hard / float effort. Mixed it up after that. Jogged most of the last lap. Lap counters messed up and I'd thought I'd already finished. Approx 16:50 for the session but feel confident that sub 16:20 is achievable if I raced it with even splits.

6 km tempo on grass - 20:17

Started relaxed and progressively picked up pace each km. Splits: 3:32 / 3:26 / 3:22 / 3:20 / 3:20 / 3:17.

Sunday 26/6

Relaxed easy run. Started at jogging pace increasing progressively to 4:10'a. 20 kms for the session.

All up 95 kms for the week.


Relaxed 35 minute jog.

Saturday 25/6

1 comment:

  1. Nice run in the half at GC Wayne. How long till you knock out 3:30's k's for the full distance? I unfortunately had a calf strain 6 weeks out from the GC Mara. Had to take 2 weeks off, then ease back into it. No M pace runs, no tempo's no intervals in the last 6 weeks = painful last 10 km's!! what's your next big goal?

