Friday, June 10, 2011

Any thermals sales happening?

Jeez it's been cold this week! Sure, it's all relative but it has been a shock to the system. I believe cold winds blowing from the southern alpine regions is the reason. All I can say is that I'm glad I dont live in places like Canada or Scotland etc..

Training wise it's been pretty much steady as she goes so far this week.

Monday (6/6)

My legs were feeling pretty smashed after Saturday's race and Sunday's hilly long run. Calves were the worse. Weatherwise it was not a bad morning to start the week. Jogged an hour with Chris around Parramatta Park, mainly on the grass or dirt sections. A little over 12 km's.

Tuesday (7/6)

A combined speed & tempo session with the squad at Centennial Park. Started with 10 x 300's off a 1:30 cycle. After a 3 minute break, followed this with a 3.55 km tempo around the white fence on the dirt. splits: 58/56/54/52/51/49/48/51/53/53. The last couple were solo. White fence - 12:40

All up 14.4 km's for the session, including warm-up & warm-down.

Wednesday (8/6)

Things started getting really chilly Wednesday. Did an easy medium long run beard home with Jim. Predominately undulating trails. All up 18.2 km's in a relaxed 93 mins. Finished off with 4 strides.

I had the arm warmers and gloves on, whereas my Blue Mtn's born and raised young buddy was fine in just a short sleeve shirt. Amazingly he doesn't even own a pair of gloves.

Thursday (9/6)

The cold weather continued. I even wore tights for all but the main part of the session. 12 km tempo in just under 44 mins. About 90% effort. At CP on the 2 km X/C course in very chilly windy conditions. I did the whole tempo in arm warmers and a shirt. That's the first time ever that I've worn more than just a singlet or short sleeve shirt. After the tempo I put tights back on and many layers.

All up a little over 22 km's, including warm-up & warm-down.

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