Friday, June 17, 2011

3000 M Track Race

Last night I ran in a low key 3000 metre track race at Sylvania Waters. Placed 2nd behind my mate T. Conditions were overcast and windy but not too bad. Time was 9:41. Reasonably happy with that off no taper and in windy conditions. My start was probably too conservative, even though I went through the first 200 in 37 seconds. I allowed T to get a big break early as I got stuck in around 6th place after the first lap. Unfortunately I had to go wide for the whole of the 3rd curve to get past a few guys. In hindsight I should've just sat behind them and taken them on the next straight. By the 3rd lap T had built a good lead of 30-40 metres. I slowly got closer but couldn't get him in the end. Winning time was 9:39 to my 9:41.

Immediately followed the session with a 10 minute jog and then a hill loop session. The loop was a little around 810-820 metres. We ran hard for around 450 metres, which included approx 290 metres of incline after a 160 or so metre flat start. Recovery jog in between and 6 in total. Progressively increased the pace on each interval from 3:49 pace to 3:14 pace on the last one. Really enjoyed the session and felt very strong over the hills. I'd estimate the hill was a 4-6% incline. Not too steep and good to really attack, especially after a flat start.

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