Monday, January 31, 2011

Doing okay despite the hot weather!

Pretty good week of training. Consistency is the goal from now with a steady increase in speed as I get closer to the Rotterdam Marathon. Weekly summary is as follows:

17/1 - Mon
AM - 10 km's - 49:40
PM - 12 km's - 54:05

18/1 - Tue
AM - 6 km's - 30:05
PM - 8 x 400 (200)- 18:25 (77/78/75/75/78/78/76/76) followed by 500 m recovery jog then 4 km tempo - 14:56. Total running for session was 17.3 km's - 1:19:39

19/1 - Wed
AM - 5.3 km's - 30:00
PM - 25 km's - 1:57:16 (hilly)

20/1 - Thu
AM - 6 km's - 35:15 (hilly)
PM - 4 x (4x200) - 3 minutes jogging between sets and 1 minute cycles for each rep.
Splits: Set 1 - 36/37/34/34 - Set 2 - 34/35/35/35 - Set 3 - 34/34/34/34 - Set 4 - 35/34/33/32  Total running - 16.4kms - 1:22:36

21/1 - Fri
AM - 10.5 km's - 52:12

22/1 - Sat
4 x 2000. Splits: 6:37 / 6:45 / 6:41 / 6:34. Total running - 16.9 km's - 1:19:17

23/1 - Sun
AM - 34 km's - 2:34:53 (17 km's on grass then road with 8 x 500 strong hill surges then flat)

Weekly Total - 153.4 km's - 12:10:35

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