Monday, January 31, 2011

Steady as she goes!

Another hot week, but got through it fine with a few nice efforts along the way. Summary is as follows:

Monday (24/1)
AM - 12.3 km's - 1:00:00
PM - 10.3 km/s - 48:17 (small rolling hills)

Tuesday (25/1)
AM - 6.0 km's - 0:30:00
PM - 9 x 1000 (40 second jog recovery). My first VO2 session since prior to the Fukuoka Marathon last December. Put in a really nice effort and was very happy with the outcome. Felt pretty good despite slowing for the last 2 intervals, whichwere solo efforts. Splits: 3:16 / 3:15 / 3:18 / 3:15 / 3:16 / 3:17 / 3:17 / 3:20 / 3:23. (36:09 minutes / 10 km's for the VO2 portion of the session and all up 16 km's including warm-up and warm-down).

Wednesday (26/1)
AM - Bush Race - 3 hour team event race. My portion consisted of 9.1 km's (2 laps). I was part of a team of 4 called "Blue Mountains Marathon Clinic (BMMC) Youth Squad plus 1". Being the old guy on the team I represented the Plus 1. The weather was ridiculously hot and humid and the course was mainly single track, hilly and technical in places. Not my preferred conditions in any aspect, but I seemed to do okay on the day. Under normal conditions I'm probably the slowest guy on the team. The "youth" component of the team consisted of Earl & Jim, who are sub 31 & 33 10,000 metre runners respectively & Ed who is a low 16 5000m guy. Surprisingly, the old guy managed to achieve quicker lap times than my more illustrious & significantly younger team mates. Probably the only time I will ever get bragging rights over them, but you've gotta take them when you can. We won the team event comfortably, so that was a buzz. 4.55 km lap splits were 18:58 & 19:46. Sounds incredibly slow I admit but really it demonstrates the tough weather & track conditions. Total running 13.9 km's
PM - A lethargic 3 km amble in 19 mins

Thursday (27/1)
PM - 27 km's - 1:59:18 (ave H/R 126). Followed by 5 x 100 m strideouts

Friday (28/1)
PM - 11.9 km's - 1:00:37

Saturday (29/1)
AM - 8 km Tempo on grass followed by 10 x 100
Put in a PB session and felt very strong. Was running on at the end of the tempo and worked strongly on the stride-outs. Tempo in 27:09 (km splits - 3:26 / 3:29 / 3:23 / 3:27 / 3:25 / 3:23 / 3:19 / 3:17). Average H/R 158 (90% approx). All up 18 km's - 1:18:52

Sunday (30/1)
PM - Hilly Long Run - 36 km's - 2:44:57

Weekly Total - 154.4 km's - 11:55:59

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