Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekend Update

Not a bad w/e to finish off an otherwise ordinary week.

Jumped on the scales this morning and noticed the taper hasn't helped my weight. My weight has increased from 69 kgs a couple of weeks ago to 71 today. I've been slack with the core work these past 2 weeks and also been probably eating a little too much. Will watch what I eat this week, but won't go overboard. 70/71 kg's on race day is fine by me.

My coach put 3 x 2000 in the programme off 3 min recovery jogs. Decided to ease this back just a little and just do 1000 in the final set. Pretty happy with the session. 6:32/6:36/3:14. All up a little over 16 km's for the session, which included a pretty crusiy 4.4 km's warm-up & drills and 5.6 km's warm-down. Session at Centennial Park on grass. Effort around 90-95%

21 km's in 86:54. Progressive effort starting at 4:30 pace and finishing at 3:49 pace. Felt a little sluggish at first but really good once I got into it. Ave H/R 137. Really happy with the pace v effort return. Ave pace 4:08's against ave H/R in muggy conditions is quite pleasing.

One week to go now.

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