Friday, November 5, 2010

Recovery Day

3rd consecutive recovery day today. Just an easy 6 km's jogging in 30 minutes at the gym followed by 45 minutes of core exercises. Went easy on the core work and no weights today. Starting to feel a little fresher in readiness for tomorrow's marathon pace run.

This will be my 7th marathon and in the past I have always ran a 25-35 km long run 4 weeks before the race at goal marathon pace. Tomorrow I plan to do things a little differently. I'll be heading into Centennial Park and expect to start around 6:30 am. The plan is to hold an easy pace of 4:15's for 1 hour, then 3:45's (goal marathon pace) for 30 minutes and then joining the squad for the final 8 km's where I hope to run at around 1/2 marathon pace (low 3:30's) and really push the last km. Well that's the plan. Will wait and see how I feel in the morning and what the weather is like. Fingers crossed, all will be good.

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