Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Recovery day

AM - Rest (slept in till 9:30 am)
PM - 14 km's easy paced - 59:50

Cut back on the mileage today to give the body a much needed break. Did 14 km's as a progressive effort. Started off @ 4:25 min/km pace and held it for 5 km's. Increased the pace to 4:15's for the next 5 km's and upped it to 4:08's for the next 3 km's. Next km in 4:06 & final km in 4:00. Fitness good, but felt very heavy in the legs. Glad to get the session over and done with.

Followed the session with core strength exercises for 40 minutes.

Helped myself to salmon for dinner and washed it down with pizza. A rare treat.

Booked accommodation in Fukuoka not far from the start / finish and ideally located near a 7/11 store and railway station. Just need to book accomodation in Osaka and the bullet train tickets. Really looking forward to riding the bullet train. Not looking forward to searching for food though. Japanese food does not appeal to me at all.

The high mileage is taking it's toll on my feet. I've lost 4 toenails, have 3 really bad blisters and have to soak my feet in detol after every run.

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