Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Control, Control, Control!

Someday's you wake up feeling pretty good and run crap. Other days can be the opposite. Today was the later. This morning I ran an easy 9 km's in 41 minutes and followed this with upper body strength work at the gym.

This evening I wasn't really feeling that great. My legs were feeling heavy and I was also feeling a little light headed. After approximately 4.5 km's warm-up, followed by drills and light strides, I was feeling nervous about just getting through the session. The session programmed was 7 x 1200 off 45 seconds recovery. I decided to take things easy to start and just see how the session progressed. To my surprise I found 5 km race pace (3:20 km pace) on grass was feeling very comfortable. I train with a very strong squad and I'm usually near the rear  of the senior squad members. Today was no exception. Except I was feeling strong & the competitive juices within were urging me to go harder. With less than 3 weeks before my marathon, I kept reminding myself the words of my old coach, Barry Magee. "Control! Control! Control!" I maintained fairly even splits as follows: 4:01 / 3:59 / 3:59 / 3:58 / 3:58 / 3:59 / 4:00 / 4:00. Followed the session with a slow 3 km jog.

All-up 25.2 km's for the day & 1:53:20 hrs running.

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