Sunday, November 14, 2010

Going okay, I think!

Running these past 3 days has been going okay, I think! Friday I took things very easy, my first 3000 m track race wasn't too bad and I backed up okay for my long run today.

Friday (12/11)

AM - 6.5 km's - 33:14 mins - Legs were still feeling heavy and it was very hot. Jogged on grass and took things very easy. Included 5 very light strides (around 4:00 min km pace).

Saturday (13/11)

PM - 3000 m race (track) - 9:37 mins - Nothing flash but not bad. No idea of the splits, but I went out a little too hard and spent the first 4 laps running wide in lane 2. Need to manage this better if I do more track races. Really felt the pace with 2 laps to go and just did my best to hang on. Conditions were very hot (27 degrees) and muggy (72%), which I always struggle in.

Preceeded by 3.2 kms warm-up jog & then drills & strides. 6 km's warm down.

Sunday (14/11)

AM - Did okay today in shocking conditions (nearing 30%). 33.5 km's - 2:20:07 secs. Ave H/R - 145 (82%). The heat was tough and I was starting to feel heavy in the hips / legs towards the end, but the pace felt very comfortable. Out & back run. Took things very easy going out and progressively picked it up a little coming back. Last 6 km's in 4 min km pace or slightly quicker.

PM - 6 km's jogging/easy in a little under 30 mins. Felt pretty good. Started off very slowly (around 6 min km pace) and progressively picked up the pace into around 4:20 pace. Followed with a light weights session.

All up 163 km's running for the week. 12 hrs 24 mins.

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