Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oops, I didn't follow the script!

Sometimes in the heat of the moment, even the best laid plans get thrown out the door. Well that is what happened today. Instead of going out easy for the 1st hour, I drifted into marathon pace after a couple of km's. So then and there plan B was implemented, well I should say plan B was concocted, viz: Marathon Pace effort for 22 km's and then joing the squad for a hard final 8 km's on grass. Well even that sort of went amiss as I ended up fitting in 24 km's before the joining the squad. All up ran 32 km's in 2:01:19 (3:47 pace), which although this is a little slower than goal marathon pace (3:45's), isn't too bad considering I was running solo without any real taper and I finished running on. The last 8 km's were covered in 29:27 (3:41's) in heavy rain on slushy grass, so that gives me a little confidence.

Followed up with a slow 1 km recovery jog back to the car.

All in all, not great but not bad! Race day is what matters!

Might head out this evening for a slow 5 km's recovery jog to loosen up.

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