Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Training Update

Monday (1/11)
AM - Rest
PM - 1 hour run with T along the old pipeline from Guildford to Smithfield & back. Felt great today! Covered the initial 6 km's at around 4:10 pace, picked it up for the next km to sub 4:00, and then did a nice 5 km tempo effort in 17:30 (3:30 pace) followed by an easy 2 km's warm down at 4:30 pace. All up 14 km's in 56:04. Enjoyable run in heavy rain. I love training in the rain!

Tuesday (2/11)
Lunch - 22 km's in 91:37 - Ran from home to Penrith Station at reasonably solid pace. Found the downhill sections tough on the legs and looked for the grass wherever possible. Followed with 2 km's joging warm down in just over 10 mins.

PM - Track (Faulconbridge) - 9 km's warm-up / easy pace in 40:54. Followed by 6 x 300 (2 min walk recovery). Relaxed effort (90% approx). Splits: 59/59/59/57/57/57. Felt great. Then 2.4 km warm down in 11:58.

All up 37.9 km's for the day & 2:50:42. Hope I can still walk tomorrow! :)

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