Friday, November 26, 2010

Easing back!

An easy day today. Just 6.1 km's in 28:20 around Parramatta Park. Feeling a little stiff still and discomfort still exists in my lower back. Will try to get time for another physio session.


Yesterday included a 25 minute tempo effort & 10 x 100 m strides. 3 km's slow jogging to warm-up, 1 km of drills and strides then 7 km's tempo in 25:25. 1 km jog recovery then then strides and 2 km warm down. All up 16 km's in 1:11:25. Did the session at the gym on the treadmill as it was stinking hot outside. Progressively increased the pace of each stride as follows: 18 km/h / 18.5 / 19 / 19.5 / 20 / 20 + 1.5% incline / 20 + 2% / 20 + 2.5% / 20 + 3% / 20 + 3.5%. 1% incline at all other times.

Tempo started at goal marathon pace (16 km/h) and increased by 0.1 km/h each km. Last km at 17 km/h. Ave pace 3:38 sits somewhere between 1/2 marathon pace and marathon pace, so effort is probably slower than true tempo but I was still working fine. Ave HR 159 (90%). a little higher than ideal.

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