Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Legs are feeling heavy!

AM session - 25 km's - 1:45:25. Ave H/R 146 (82%)

Legs were feeling very heavy today. Was feeling it early in my run and had to grit my teeth, mix up the speed and just tough it out. Ended up being a reasonably solid session though.

Took the first 5 km's easy, increasing the pace from 4:37 pace to 4:15 pace. Then put in a sub marathon pace km (3:37). Next 7 km's @ 4:12 pace. Then progressively increased the pace every km for the next 7 km's. (4:10's into 4:02). Relaxed for 2 km's @ 14.2 km/h. Then 5 x 100 at 18 km/h uphill, with 1 min jog recovery. Finished off with 2 km's easy (around 4:12), last 300 m's at goal marathon pace (16 km/h). Glad to get through the session.

Off to the gym this afternoon for core work and recovery jog back home.

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