Thursday, November 18, 2010

Medium Long Run

It was quite hot today and there was no water along the route I ran. Lucky for me my wonderful girlfriend dropped some gatorade to me at around the 13/14 km mark. Today I ran 20.5 km's in 1:26:18. The run consisted of 3 continuous stages. Stage 1 being a little over 10 km's at an easy pace (approx 4:10 km's)- ave H/R - 132, which surprises me given the heat, would normally expect higher. Stage 2 consisted of 11 x 1 minute surges off equal jog recovery. Splits varied a lot as I did these over hills. Metre splits as follows: 285/288/260/290/285/318/307/324/336/259/358/320. Ave H/R 150. Peak 162. Stage 3 consisted of 5.1 km's warm down T an easy pace in 22:21. Average H/R 146. Picked up pace in this section from 4:41 to 4:11 as I recovered from the earlier hill reps. Overall quite happy with the run considering the heat.

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