Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sruggled today!

AM - Was hoping to put in a sharp session today in readiness for Saturday's State 3000 m track race, but it wasn't to be. Woke up feeling tired and legs feeling very heavy. I probably went a bit too hard on the leg weights yesterday. Session this morning was 4 x 200 metres off 1 minute recovery. Splits: 38/38/38/36.  Pretty crap, but that's all I had in me this morning. All up 11.8 km's in 1 hr.

PM - Had a brief nap this afternoon to rest up. Was contemplating completely resting tonight, but decided otherwise. Did an easy 9 km's (40:28 mins) late evening (approx 9:30 pm) around the Olympic Stadium area. Felt better, although legs a bit heavy. Will rest up tomorrow, with just a 30 minute morning jog on the agenda. Hopefully I will be reasonably fresh for Saturday evening's race, with 1.5 days recovery between tomorrow morning's run and the race. I've never raced a short race like 3000 m's so am not sure how I will go. Ideally would like to be entering with a much lighter training week, but the marathon is top of mind at the moment.

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