Sunday, November 7, 2010

Unplanned Long Run

Had planned to run an easy 18 km's today in 85 mins or thereabouts, but ended up doing 30.7 km's instead. Not far from the planned turnaround point at Smithfield I felt a very strong urge to take care of business. Closest public toilet was another 2 km's ahead, so this necessitated a change of plans. Ended up doing the longer loop.

Was feeling sluggish at the start and could feel the residual from yesterday's 32 km marathon pace long run. After 6 or 7 km's of slow easy running was starting to feel pretty good and settled into a little over 4:30 pace. Picked up the pace to roughly 4:20's with 6 or so km's to go. Overall felt pretty cruisy.

30.7 km's in 2:17:30.

In total, that's 160 km's for the week / 11:45 hours of running, excluding strides and drills.

No need for a light pm session today.

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