Friday, September 30, 2011

9 days to go!

Went to see an osteopath near home today for the first time. Found the session very beneficial and u was extremely impressed with the guy's knowledge and massage technique. He really knows his stuff and hit the right spots.

The work I had done was on loosening tightness in my lower back and glutes. Turns out my hips are a little out of alignment and the muscles in my lower back aren't moving as freely as they should be. I've already forgotten the technical analysis, I just know it now feels better.

Ran quite freely and relaxed tonight. Just a lazy 30 mina jogging.

Intervals tomorrow. 3 x 2 on the programme. Plan to do 16-20 km's all up. 1 hour easy is programmed for Sunday.

Will reduce the load even more as from Monday. I'll probably only do about 40 km's or less for the week leading up to the race.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting closer!

The Chicago Marathon is starting to occupy more of my thoughts as the event gets closer. Unlike past marathons, I haven't really got worked up about this one. I've been very relaxed in my approach to training and haven't worried myself about running 100 mile weeks and twice a day. Whereas in the past I would typically average 140 km's a week leading up to a marathon, this time it's probably only 110 and no doubles. We'll see how this approach works. It's only the morning jogs that I've been skipping and I haven't missed any of the long runs or hard days.

Today I did 21 km's, which included 5 km's easy warm up, then 8 km's tempo at around 3:40 pace. Was feeling very relaxed and didn't really have to work despite running in really windy conditions and on grass. Threw in a couple more 3:40 km's after an easy jog recovery. 4-5 km's to finish off. All up 21 km's in around 93 mins.

I was quite satisfied with today's run. Very relaxed & a decent pace without really raising a sweat.

The countdown starts today. 10 days to go!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Doing okay!

It's been nice to put together 4 steady training days.

Sunday - Was quite happy with the run. Conditions were windy, wet and cold and I was running on dirt and grass. Apart from the wind, I quite enjoy these conditions. All up I put together 35 km's in a bit over 2 hours 27 mins. Given that mother nature had been rather unkind to me for the past 5 days or so, I decided to experiment with Imodium pills. I can verify that they work. Didn't go for a day afterwards. I was actually very nervous about thus and drank 5 glasses of orange juice on Sunday night to push things along.

I started the run at a very easy 4:30 pace and slowly picked it up, covered the final 2 hours in under 4:10 pace but feeling very comfortable and chatting the while time.

Monday - 35 mins jogging

Tuesday - 10 x 300 in 59's/60's. Very relaxed. A bit windy and on grass. Around 45 second / 100 metre jog recovery. 5 min break and then 4 km tempo in 14:30 feeling quite relaxed. All up 20 km's for the session.

Wednesday - 10 km's easy jogging on grass. Felt relaxed.

Plan to do 20 km's tomorrow including a relaxed 8 km tempo.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still not feeling 100%

I was feeling pretty ordinary last night. I couldn't even get through a 30 min session without a trip to the loo. Decided to pack it in after 5 km's in a pedestrian 27 minutes.

I was feeling a little better today, but not great. Struggled through a 5 km tempo on grass in a real slow 17:30. Just had nothing! Around 13 kms all up for the session, including warm up, drills, strides and warm down. Hopefully I'll be feeling good for my final long run tomorrow. I'd like to put in a nice one tomorrow, just to raise the confidence levels.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The "runs" continue!

Still not feeling 100%. My run tonight was interupted by 5 loo stops. All up ran 15 km's in a little under 75 minutes. Relaxed jogging for 10 km's followed by 10 x 30 second strides at around 3:10 to 3:20 pace in trainers on grass. Was feeling ordinary during the jog phase but actually felt okay during the strides. 4 interuptions during the jog and 1 during the strides. Happy to log another day's training. Hopefully I'll be able to run uninterupted tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Struck down!

I've been hit with the Bali Belly these past 2 days. I've lost count of the number of trips I've taken to the bathroom. 30-40 wouldn't be exagerating. In fact I had to stop 3 times during my run tonight, which was very frustrating.

I haven't quite managed to get the mileage in I had hoped, but not too far off. Yesterday I trained alone on the treadmill. That gave me a sense of security knowing the bathroom is nearby. I had planned to do a 6 km fartlek of 700 hard / 300 float, but on account of feeling a little off colour I settled for 6 x 600 reasonably hard / 300 jog. This equated to 2 mins @ 3:20 pace followed by 1:30 @ 5:00 pace. Only 10 km's all up.

Tonight I ran 25 km's in 1 hr 50 mins. 9 km easy followed by 8 x 1 km with 1 km recovery. Splits: 4:03 / 3:55 / 3:40 / 3:40 / 3:43 / 343 / 3:39 / 3:33. Not a bad session, but I wasn't really feeling too good. It's not  easy running when you have the runs of the other variety. Felt pretty bloody awful afterwards and still not feeling too flash. Hopefully I'll wake up feeling a million bucks tomorrow. Well that's the plan.

How good is this time of year? Been having fantastic weather. Gotta love it! I'm excited about marathon season. 3 of the majors over the next couple of months. Friends running in Berlin and Chicago, plus my myself doing my first major in Chicago. I hope the atmosphere lives up to my expectations. Fukuoka last December was unbelievable for crowd support and Rotterdam in April was pretty good too. Very different from Canberra where it gets a bit lonely apart from cowbell corner.

I've started reading a few mates blogs and must say they are lot more entertaining than the training log dribble I write down. Tiger solving the rubiks cube whilst standing on one leg on a balance ball was pretty damn impressive and has to be the highlight for me.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Quicker than expected recovery

After yesterday's woes, it was pleasing to recover quickly and feel no ill effects today. I got an early night in and 8 hours of uninterupted sleep, which was nice. Headed off to work around 6 am for an early start so I could try and get out for a run at a decent hour. Headed out for a leisurely 15 km's (75 mins) at around 6:30 pm before going back to the office to tidy a few things up.

I was expecting to be feeling very stiff and sore today after getting the heart rate up much higher than planned yesterday, but other than feeling a little heavy in the legs, I actually felt great. I usually do find that warmer weather can add 10-20 BPM to my H/R, so I'm not prepared to write off yesterday's experience.

Seems that quite a few suffered yesterday due to the heat. I'm glad I was just treating it as a training run and it wasn't a goal race. I know the pain one feels when you train your backside off for months on end for a big race and then the weather gods mess it all up. I really feel for a few mates who raced the 1/2 or full marathon yesterday only to suffer this fate. Oh well, shit happens & as my old coach Barry Magee used to remind me "running is just a part of life, not everything".

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sydney Running Festival - 1/2 Marathon

It was just one of those days that you hope to forget. I'm not sure what to make of it actually. Pacing plans turned to survival plans after 16 km's and I was completely smashed at the finish. Luckily T was there to hold the 80 minute pace, but even he finished 20 seconds off pace. As for me, I managed to run my slowest 1/2 in 4 years. The time was a very disappointing 81:29, over 6 mins slower than GC just 2.5 months back.

Rather than focusing on the negatives, I'll focus on the positives:

- 33.5 km's total running;
- I hung in there in conditions that were tough and most of the field ran significantly slower than expected. It was hot, windy, very dry and the course whilst not extremely hilly, does undulate. It's not really a course for rythym running, especially with the wind around. As I noted last night, these conditions don't suit me at all, but it is good to have a practice hitout just in case Chicago dishes up the same;
- I had a similar race 2 years ago, before setting a marathon PB 4 weeks later;

I didn't get much sleep last night, less than a couple of hours and I'm sure this contributed. I was out the door at 4:45 am for the drive into the city. I parked a little over 3 km's from the race start, so I could get a warm-up jog in. As soon as I got into the jog, I knew it was going to be a tough day. 20 degrees at around 5:30 am and windy. My average heart rate was at 129 for the warm-up despite jogging at a pedestrian 5:35 pace. Usually it would be around 110-115.

During the run, my average H/R was 163 and peaked at 170. This is far higher than I would've liked or expected. Last Sunday I ran 32 km's in 2:07 (averaging low 3:50's for the last hour) and my average H/R then was only 142 (peaking at 156) so I'm not about to slit my throat.

I followed the run with a slow 9 odd km's to get the mileage up a bit.

Today I have caught up on some much needed sleep. I slept in the car on the way home for 45 mins and another 4 hours when I got home.

Usually from here I would start a 3 week taper, but given that I only managed 103.5 km's (7:55 hours) 
this week, I will go with the 2 week taper. Had I not raced I planned to do nearer to 130 km's, but I allowed a km of low mileage of easy days leading into the race. Plan for this upcoming week is:

Mon - 1 hour
Tues - 6 km Fartlek (700 hard /300 float)
Wed - 1 hour 45 mins
Thu - 10 x 100 strides
Fri - 30 mins
Sat - 6 km tempo
Sun - 2 hours 30 mins

If I can find the time, I'll add a couple of doubles in there and also update the Blog.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A couple of easy days!

I tried out my new Garmin 610 on Friday night. That makes it Garmin #5. Previously used the 205, 405, 310XT & F60. Gave away the 205, the 405 died, been using the 310XT of late in conjuction with the F60 (for trackwork). I must say, the 610 certainly looks better than the others, although I don't mind the look of the F60. It nearly even closely resembles a watch. It feels light and is not so bulky. It worked, so I'll stick with it. When it comes to styling, the new Garmin still resembles a Toyota though (safe but boring). At least they look better than those ridiculous earlier models, which I would say resemble a Leyland P76.

Did a cruisy 13 odd km's last night in an hour. Followed it up with a really relaxed 25 min jog today. I'd estimate 5 km's.

The plan tomorrow is to pace the Sydney 1/2 marathon 80 min group. I'm actually still not sure if I'm doing it. The organisers haven't come back to me still and I haven't got a race number. Anyway, I'll rock up and if they want me to pace I will. If not, no problems, I'll run over to Centennial Park and join the SWEAT squad for a long run. Looks like it'll be warm and muggy. Hardly my preferred conditions for running, but I don't mind. I haven't run in warm conditions for quite a while now and it might be beneficial, just in case Chicago dishes up similar conditions in 3 weeks. I'll wear a heart rate monitor too. This data should give me some feedback on just where my race fitness is at and provide me with a guide on what sort of strategy to take to Chicago.

I'd love to think I'm in sub 2:40 or at least PB shape (2:41:14) but I actually have no idea what sort of shape I'm in. I haven't done any of the  longer marathon paced runs this preparation. I've always liked to build up with a half, 25 km & 30km marathon effort runs. This preparation, I've tried a few different things:

* Lower mileage, which has me feeling much fresher between runs;
* Longer tempo runs (12 km's) at around 1/2 marathon pace effort;
* Longer intervals (3 x 3.55 white fence runs at Centennial Park);
* Less V02 sessions (ie less than 5 min intervals);
* Very little racing;
* No stretching at all (intentional);
* Minimal core work (laziness);
* Progressive paced long runs up to 39 km's with a faster finish (last 8 - 16 km's). I really struggled with the long runs after the GC 1/2, but have become better conditioned over the past month or so; and
* I have never tried a 1/2 marathon 3 weeks out, so will be interesting to see how it works.

My real focus is the London Marathon next April, so experimenting with something different adds a little variety and might give me some new ideas. I am toying with the idea of going back to the Lydiard Periodisation approach with the next one, but will ponder this deeper after Chicago.

One good thing about pacing the 80 minute 1/2 tomorrow is that my mate T will also be pacing with me. He's kicked my butt in every race for a year now, so at least it's pretty safe he won't tomorrow. Then again, he's so competitive I'm already picturing him surging over the last 2 metres. ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been really slack over the past few months with updating my Blog. Truth be told, running has taken a little bit of a backseat due to a really heavy workload.

Since I last posted, I've only raced a few times. Did the GC 1/2 in 75:19 gun time, C2S in a disappointing 50:06 and my first trail race at Willy to Billy. Missed my sub 75 goal at GC but gave my all, so no complaints.

W2B was an experience. Didn't taper at all for it, just a but of fun. I actually got lost, adding an extra km, a big hill and around 5 mins. Finished in 13th, which is okay I suppose but I was completely smashed up and bonked with 2 kms to go. Physically it was so tough on the body with all the downhill sections. Running in flats probably didn't help either. Might try another trail race but not in the near future.

Since GC, I've been training for the Chicago Marathon. With only 3.5 weeks to go, I'm getting that old feeling of excitement and nervousness. I'll be doing this one of my lowest training base for any marathon. I'd estimate that I'm only averaging 110 kms per week. Will be interesting to see how I go. I've been doing all the key runs, just not the morning recovery jogs. The bigger picture for me is London Marathon 2012, but I'll certainly be giving my best effort in Chicago.

I must admit that since I last posted, I had forgotten I even had a Blog. I only ever really started it for my own records. Been so surprised when a few people actually asked me when will I be posting again. So I guess I had better keep it up.

Got a new toy today. Garmin 610. Looking forward to trying it out.

Today I did a nice solid tempo intervals session, starting easy and progressively picking it up. Ran at Centennial Park with the squad. Big Jim made me work as we got into it. 3 x 3.55 km white fence loops on dirt off 16 minute cycles. 14:10 / 12:56 / 12:30. Probably wouldn't call the last one tempo. Ran strongly but closer to race effort. Nit quite chunder territory but a little harder than I'd normally go in training.

Possibly pacing the Sydney Marathon Festival 80 min 1/2 on Sunday. Just waiting for confirmation. If in, will do a long warm down to get 32 kms plus in. If not, will do a 12 km tempo on Saturday and 2 hrs 30 mins fast finish on Sunday. Either way suits me.

A few mates are heading o/s this weekend. Good luck to Mo & Chris in Berlin and Bren (Mr D) in Wales.