Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013 - Week 26

2013 seems to be flying by. It's certainly hardly to believe that we are about to enter the 2nd half of the year. This past week has been all about rain management and trying to stay dry in order to ensure that I don't cop another flu like I did this time last year, which resulted in me not being able to complete the Gold Coast Marathon. Whilst I'm only doing the 1/2 marathon this year I am keen to get there in good health, even if I am a little underdone training wise.

It's been a bit of a mixed bag this past week. A summary of training is as follows:

Monday - 8 km's jogging.

Tuesday - 

Midday - Mona Fartlek - 5.7 km's. It didn't quite go to plan. Whilst I held 3:20 or quicker pace for the reps, I couldn't hold marathon pace (3:45's) for the final few floats (slowed to low 4's). All up 16.9 km's including 10.2 km warm-up & 1 km warm-down.

PM - 5 km's slow jogging

Wednesday - 20.3 km's easy

Thursday - Decreasing intervals - 4.5 km's (5 mins jog recovery) / 3 km's  (3 mins) / 1500 (2 mins) / 1000 (1:40 mins) / 600 (1 min) / 300 (30 secs) / 150. All up 13.5 km's in 50 min's, plus 2 km's warm-up & 1 km warm-down. Very happy with this session. Held 3:20 pace or slightly quicker for each interval.

Friday - 8.5 km's slow jogging

Saturday - 3000 - (1000 recovery) / 2000 (500) / 3 x 1000 (200) / 6 x 30 seconds uphill (90 seconds) - Not a great session. Felt very flat. 3000 - 10:15 / 2000 - 7:00 / 1000's - 3:32/3:36/3:32 / 30 second uphill reps around 3:20-3:30 pace.

Sunday - 21 km's very easy - a little sluggish but relaxed running.

1 week to go now until Gold Coast 1/2 marathon. I've decided to do the exact sessions next week as I did before my 2010 1/2 marathon PB of 75:04. Check the diary earlier and it looks like I'll be doing 4 x 1600 on Tuesday & 3 x 800 on Thursday. Might do 3 light 30 second strides on Saturday as well. 

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