Sunday, June 9, 2013

Felt flat all week

I put in some ridiculous hours at work this week and as a result my sleep and in turn running suffered. Every run this week has been a battle and to be honest I'm just glad to have got through it. Key runs included:

Tuesday - 10 x 100 metre strides (200 metre recovery) / 10 x 50 metres strides (250 metre recovery). Fairly relaxed & as always I didn't bother to record the splits for the strides. Ran on grass.

Thursday - 6000 / 5000 / 3000 (2:00 min recovery) - Struggled. Averaged 3:35's for first interval (track), 3:40's for the 2nd (2000 track / 3000 grass), 3:45's for the 3rd (grass). 20 km's all-up

Saturday - 4 km's marathon tempo pace (grass) followed by 4 x 2 km's (grass) with 2 mins jog recovery. Splits: 6:45/6:37/6:40/6:39. 20 km's all up.

Sunday - 29 km's - 2:02:09 (Road)

Total km's for week - 112.8 (8:17 hours) - Ave pace 4:24

4 weeks now until Gold Coast 1/2 Marathon. Aiming for a few more km's this week and hopefully a decent session or 2.

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