Sunday, June 16, 2013

Glow Worm Tunnel Half Marathon

Short Blog.

Enjoyable outing today at Newnes. Hats off to the specialist trail runners. Far too good for me on the technical terrain. If I ever want to get any good at this sport, it is certainly something I am going to need to practice.

Got what I wanted out of the session. Solid run of around 23 km's at a little quicker than marathon intensity. I'd best describe the run for me as a long fartlek session. The first 5 km's was a fairly nice gentle incline. Got technical in places after that. Compulsory walk through the tunnel. A rugged section, and back. Stretched out over the last 5 km's (sub 18). Good to stretch out in places and should be a nice preparation run for the Gold Coast 1/2 in 3 weeks.

Ran to heart rate, keeping it below 160 going up and low to mid 150's coming back. All good fun!

Praise goes out to the organisers. Very well organised and run event. Beautiful location. Great cool conditions and a good turnout.

To sort of quote Alan Jackson's song, I can see why so many road runners have "Gone Country". Well at least hit the bush anyway.

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