Thursday, July 18, 2013

Recent races

6 July - Gold Coast 1/2 Marathon - 76:20

As luck would have it history repeated itself and I was sick for the few days leading up to this race. Same story as last year, but at least I finished this year. No complaints though, happy with the time in the circumstances.

13 July - Sydney Harbour 10 - 35:13

Not a great result, but gave my best. Very heavy legs after moving house during the week. Got boxed in for the first km and off to an extremely slow start (3:39 split). Roughly 3:30's thereafter with a solid finish. Pleased to hold my pace throughout despite running on extremely fatigued legs.

Will now knuckle down and put in some solid training mileage. Initially will concentrate on hills and long runs. Might not do C2S despite having already entered. Will make up my mind in early August. I'm keen to give the body a break after a lot of racing recently.

To be frank, I've raced poorly since my marathon PB in Tokyo. No point maintaining the hectic racing schedule. The body and mind need a break and I simply need to get fresh, stronger and hopefully fitter / faster.

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