Sunday, September 1, 2013

SIDS Stampede

Solid week of training this week topped off with a win today at a small Fun Run in Windsor supporting SIDS. A lovely way to see in "Fathers Day" , which certainly made up for the early rise at 5:15 am.

A brief rundown of training. 130 km's for the week, made up of:

Monday:  10 km's easy

Tuesday: 17 km's progression run in 75 mins finishing at 3:30 pace.

Wednesday: 3 x 30 mins "Carnova Run" at marathon intensity in the "Gas Chamber". 25 km's all up, which included 2 km's warm-up, 7 km's @ 14 km/h, 1 km easy, 7 km's @ 14.1 km/h, I
1 km easy,  7 km's @ 14.2 to 14.5 km/h. I'm yet to get an accurate read on the pace differential when running at simulated 3200 above sea level but intuitively I'm guessing somewhere around 2-3 km/h. I keep forgetting to take my heart rate monitor to try and sort of work it out with a little scientific data to back it up. What I can say is that running at 14 to 14.5 km/h usually feels pretty easy even for a long run but it feels like bloody hard work for me in the chamber. I'm scheduled for another session next Wednesday in the chamber, so I'll do my best to remember to take my HRM along.

Thursday - Leg Buster session. Started with an hour of leg weights including, lunges, single leg lunges, squats, single leg squats, curls, extensions, incline press, medicine ball squats and throws, lunges with kettle bells, dead lifts, high leg step ups, box jumps and whatever felt good at the time. Followed it with a 9 km run, which included 15 mins of progressive incline running (0-15 degrees) starting at 14 km/h and progressively slowing as the incline increased. Short recovery and then 8 x 4% incline surges off 1 min easy recovery.

Friday - Slow 10 km's

Saturday - 35 km's averaging 4:23's, relaxed

Sunday - SIDS Stampede Fun Run - 10.2 km in 36.07 plus warm up and warm down. Nice to get a rare win even if only in a small event. Managed to run an extra 200 metres because I found myself in the unaccustomed position of leading and running straight through the turn point. I had no idea it was a 2 lapper. Nothing flash about the time, but it was irrelevant today. I only decided to do it last night instead of doing a solo tempo. Turns out I ended up doing a solo tempo anyway. No point in going overboard so I just treated it as a comfortably hard training session. There was a massive downhill at the start, which inevitably means a massive uphill finish to both laps. Felt strong though running uphill. The rest of the course was very flat. Lovely brisk and windless conditions otherwise and a great morning to be out racing. I wish every race had weather conditions like this morning.

Ran with my mate "Oldman" in the arvo for a nice recovery jog. Luckily for me he ran a hard 35 km run in the morning so we managed to run at slightly above walking pace. 7 km's in 41 min's plus around Parra Park.

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