Sunday, August 25, 2013

"The Gas Chamber"

The words "I survived" probably best describe this past week of training. In addition to the continued emphasis on leg and core strength, I upped the ante with the hard long runs. I decided to do all of my medium long run in the altitude chamber and part of the long run in there. I'm enjoying the new challenge of running in the chamber, but I must say it is bloody sweaty hard work. I'm not sure if its the gas they pump in there to simulate 3200 metres above sea level or if its just bloody hot in there. What I can say is that every time I'm done in there I'm literally drenched. I unashamedly ditched the singlet because it was just soaked so bad it felt like I was swimming with clothes on. Even my shoes get soaked right through like I've been running through puddles. Leaving the chamber literally feels like leaving the Sahara in summer and immediately walking into the Arctic Circle. 

During the week, I haven't been able to do my runs until after 8:30 pm. So this has meant that I was forced to do 5 days straight of treadmill running. Pretty mind numbing I must say, but it beats running in the dark late at night. It felt great to finally run on a stationary surface over the weekend. 

A summary of the week that was is as follows:

Monday - 18 km's - 75 mins. Initial 12 km's progressive paced, starting slowly (6:00's) picking up to 3:45's. The ensuing 6 km's I maintained 3:40's with 8 x 30 seconds over progressively increasing inclines (1-8%) and then 2 x 60 seconds at 4%.

NB: Did 30 mins of heavy leg weights at lunch.

Tuesday - 16.4 km's - 75:15. Progressive paced finishing at around 3:55's.

Wednesday - 20 km's - 97:32. Ran in the "gas chamber". Included 6x30 seconds, 4 x 1000 off 400 recovery (3:59 / 3:58 / 3:57 / 3:56). I was pretty spent after those intervals. The effort felt like sub 3:20's. Easy running after that with 3 x 20 seconds to finish up.

Thursday - 20 mins solid then 3000 T/T

Had nothing. 5.1 km's. 5 min walk recovery then 10:11 for the TT

Friday - 9 km's - 43:49 - Easy hills finishing with 5 x 30 seconds

Saturday - 38 km's - 2:57:35

5 km's on treadmill outside, then 13 km's in the "gas chamber" (61 mins) then 5 more km's again on the treadmill outside the chamber. Continued outside on the road with 15 km's over hills. Felt depleted afterwards. My longest long run since May I think.

Sunday - Hills 

Included 1 x 2 mins, jog back then 4 sets of 60/40/20 seconds off 30 seconds with a jog back to the bottom of the hill. Very solid session after 2 hours of heavy leg weights and core work.

All up, 122.1 km's / 9:22:41 running time.


  1. Jesus Wayne! That is some serious training there! Your like some mad running scientist doing crazy experiments on yourself! I read about Carnova and the "special block" last year but never really thought about giving it a go. I'm blown away by the quality of training your doing. I have no idea how you can handle a week on the treadmill. I did 2 sessions while working in Bangkok a few years ago and it really was torture. anyways ...... Keep in one piece. Nice C2S PB by the way..... That is a tricky course.

    1. Haha mate. I kinda like to think there is a slight element of method behind the madness. We're all mad runners aren't we?
