Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weeks 32 & 33

Week 32

Monday - 20.0 km's - 1:40:05 (included 10 x diagonals)

Tuesday - 4 x 1500 (500) - Splits 5:11, 4:58, 4:58, 5:15. 15 km's all up in 67:41

Wednesday - 22.0 km's - 90:00. Included 15 x 1 min (1 min float)

Thursday - Saturday - 20 min jogs

Sunday - C2S - PB 49:27 (94th overall). Pleasing off minimal taper. Steady uphill, attacked downhills harder than previous years. Nice to see all the leg weights and hill reps paid off. 79th for heartbreak hill split. As always, not so great on the downhill, but an improvement so no complaints.

88.4 km's - Weekly Total - 6:39:41

Week 33

Monday - 14 km's - 68 mins.

Tuesday - 32 km's - 2:23:50, finishing with 8 x 1 min (1 min)

- Lunchtime - 4.2 km's
- Evening - Speed + LT

8 x 60 seconds off 30 second marathon paced float. 12 mins - 3.5 km's.

5 min walk recovery then:

4 km's - 14:26

Thursday - Leg weights plus hills. 5 km's solid uphill running on treadmill after 40 mins of leg weights.

Friday - Altitude Chamber - 35 mins bike. 68 mins running - progressive paced finishing with 8 x 30 seconds (1 min). 14 km's running in chamber.

Saturday - 10 km jog

Sunday - Carnova Special - 5 x 5000 (1 km jog recovery). Splits: 18:39 / 18:19 / 18:13 / 17:57 / 17:38. All up 32 km's - 2:03:58. Ave HR 153 (max 165). Tough work but pleasing.

Weekly km's - 125.3 - 9:24:29

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