Sunday, October 20, 2013

Recovery Week

I pulled up with extremely sore quads after the Melbourne Marathon. It wasn't until yesterday that I could walk or run without pain. Monday and Tuesday the pain was quite excruciating and I took the opportunity to have 2 complete rest days. Training for the rest of the week as follows:

Wednesday - 3 km's approx barefoot on grass. Didn't bother with the GPS. Just slowly rolled the legs over. Whilst the quads hurt, I actually enjoyed the freedom of a slow jog on grass without shoes etc.

Thursday - 45 mins in the altitude chamber. 30 mins jogging then 10 mins on the cross trainer with 5 x 20 second surges. Finished off with 5 mins back on the treadmill jogging. Stretched and did core work in the chamber afterwards making up 90 mins in there.

Friday - Rest

AM - 6 km's progressive paced tempo. Splits: 3:38 / 3:35 / 3:32 / 3:30 / 3:26 / 3:22. Ran on grass in vibrams. Stiff at first but settled in progressively. 14 km's all up.

PM - 6 km's jogging on grass

Sunday - 23.5 's on grass. Slow jogging at first and progressively picked up the pace to low 4's and finished with a couple km's just under. Took the shoes off afterwards and jogged 500 metres to round off.

I'll avoid the roads again next week but plan to do the Run 4 Fun 10 km road race at Homebush next Sunday.

Lastly I decided today to enter the London Marathon next year. I'm able to get a start as a UK Championship competitor, which requires a sub 2:45 in the past 2 years. Initially I was going to do Rotterdam, but having already done it twice it is too hard to pass up the opportunity to run my 4th major.

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