Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting back on track

Things are looking up! Well my Rotterdam Marathon prospects are looking a lot better than they were 2 weeks back. No problems this week with the hamstring. Overall a solid week of training. Summary is as follows:

Mon 7/3
AM - Rest
PM - 60 mins jog (Grass - barefoot) - 12.2 km's. Followed by 5 x 100 strides

Tues 8/3
AM - 30 mins jog (Grass)
PM - Straights & Curves Session (Grass) - 16:34 - 5 km's.  Worked hard. A little sluggish but happy with time in windy conditions and taking into consideration missed training recently and 39 km long run just 2 days beforehand. Ran session in flats, would've preferred barefoot or spikes. Total - 12 km's - 56:50

Wed 9/3
AM - Rest
PM - 25 km's - 1:51:43 - Tired. Not enough sleep last night. A little sluggish and heart rate higher than desired (average 137)

Thu 10/3
AM - 35 mins jogging - 7.1 km's
PM - Hills 10 x 500 metres (50-60 sec jog recovery). Sluggish session, wrong choice of footwear. Felt flat and tired. Should've worn spikes instead instead of distance flats. Erratic splits, slowed from 98's to 107's. Overall, I'm okay with the session. Had a tough week of training off limited base due to injury. Got the heart rate working high without real stress on the body, so hopefully will benefit in the coming weeks. Total - 10.3 km's.

Fri 11/3
AM - 30 mins jogging - 6 km's (Grass)
PM - 15.1 km's - 73:15 (Grass - barefoot)

Sat 12/3
AM - Rest
PM - 6 km's jogging - 29 mins (Grass - barefoot)

Sun 13/3
AM - Goal marathon pace - 30 km's - 1:52:46. Solid effort. Had to work but really happy with effort & outcome considering missed training and heat / humidity. Back sore afterwards. Good consistent splits. Average H/R 158. Peak 167. Warm & humid conditions - 22-23 degrees / 80-85% humidity. All up 33 km's including warm up and warm down.

All up 132.7 km's / 10:03 hrs for the week.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fingers crossed, it's back on!

I had some encouraging signs last week. After cross training Monday & Tuesday morning, I was able to slip the running shoes back on Tuesday evening and resume running. As the week progressed I was pleasantly surprised at my fitness levels. Training summary is as follows:

Monday 28/2
AM - Swimming 30 x 25 metres hard with 10 seconds recovery. All up 1.5 km's. Reps in 18-20 secs.
PM - Bike - 40 mins hard (35 km/h). All up 1 hour including warm up and warm down. Followed by core strength exercises, stretching & weights.

Tuesday 1/3
AM - Swimming 10 x 100 metres hard with 30 seconds recovery. All up 1.5 km's. Reps in around 1:40.
PM - 30 mins jogging - 6 km's. Followed by stretching and core exercises. Hamstring felt fine.

Wednesday 2/3
AM - 14 km's easy. Jogged 6 in around 30 mins and then picked up the pace, doing the remaining 8 km's in approx 33 mins. Concentrated on running tall, leaning slightly forward from the ankles and forefoot striking. Felt fit, hammy fine. Calves sore next morning.
PM - core / strength training.

Thursday 3/3
AM - 25 km's easy - 1:56. Calves

Friday 4/3
PM - 12 km's jogging. Calves still sore.

Saturday 5/3
AM - 10 km's tempo - 35:24. Started easy. 3:40's for first 3'kms and then progressively picked up the pace to 3:30's and last km in 3:25. Felt strong. Ran in flats
Instead of barefoot or spikes. Ave HR 157. Peak 167. Total
17 km's including warm up and warm down.

Sunday 6/3
PM 39 km's - 2:49. Felt great.
Progressively increased pace from
5:00's to sub 3:50's. Ave heart rate 130. Peak 153.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marathon Unlikey!

The hamstring hasn't responded to physio and rest putting my Rotterdam Marathon plans in grave doubt.

Running last week only totalled 42.2 km's. Cross trained. Included 10 km's of swimming and 2 hours of cycling.

Brief summary:

Monday - Physio + 1.5 km's swimming + core / strength
Tuesday - Swimming 2 km's
Wednesday - Physio + core + 6 km's jogging
Thursday - Walking + 6 km's jogging +
bike (40 mins hard - ave speed 32 km/h) + 2 km's jogging + walking. Followed by core & strength.
Friday - Physio + 2.5 km's swimming (40 x 25 metres with 10/15 secs recovery) + 12 km's jogging
Saturday - Swimmng 2.5 km's include 30 x 25 metres with 10 sec recovery.
Sunday - Had planned 20 km's but only managed 16.2 km's in 73 mins before hammy got sore. X/trained in the evening. Bike 60 mins include 40 mins hard. Followed by swimming 1.5 km's including 10 x 50 metres.