Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Calling out to the weather gods!

I'll be heading across the ditch with my mate "Oldman" for a second crack at the Christchurch Marathon on Sunday where I hope to improve upon my PW of 2:55 there back in 2008. Regardless of how the race goes it will be interesting to see how the city has been rebuilt since it was devastated by the earthquake in 2011.

Unfortunately we're only heading over on Friday and back after the race on Sunday, so won't get a chance to see much. A quick look at the city on Friday afternoon and a short day trip to Akaroa on Saturday is about all we will manage. Looking forward to it all the same.

I picked this race because the course is flat and I prefer cold climate racing (10 degrees or less is ideal for me). As luck would have it, unfortunately the weather forecast at this stage is for wind, rain and around 14 degree temperatures. I haven't had perfect marathon conditions since Melbourne way back in 2009, so it is a little frustrating, but heck what can you do. As always you just have to focus on dealing with whatever conditions are presented in a sensible manner and with a positive mindset. I had to laugh a little today though. Oldman is a lot more regular than I am in paying respects to our creator, so I cheekily asked him if he could put in a good word for me. Not long afterwards I get a text reply saying he did his best but the lord said my name wasn't on file. A fitting reminder for me to show my face at church more often. Apparently my blue sky cathedral isn't deemed acceptable.

Whilst I'm no doubt unworthy, I'm still putting in a special plea to the weather gods to embarrass the weatherman. Please, just this once! :)

And of course to Oldman and those racing, I hope you enjoy the event, run fast and smash your goals for the race.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

SMH Half Marathon

Solid hit out today at SMH 1/2. 76:32. 2nd M40-49. Despite living in Sydney, I've always preferred the Canberra 1/2 to this one and have never done it before. Glad I finally had a crack, but still prefer the Canberra event. 

Tough undulating course with very little opportunity to get into a groove. Still a sound run off marathon training leading into Christchurch Marathon in 2 weeks.

It's great to be back racing again now that the weather has cooled down. Other than the Tokyo Marathon in Feb (PB 2:39:40), I've only raced twice since November last year. Today and the Mothers Day Classic last Sunday (4 km's in 12:51) at Parramatta Park.

Definitely not my usual marathon preparation leading up to ChCh, having raced a 1/2 two weeks out and running the distance 3 weeks out (42.2 last Sat in 3:04 hours) in training. A couple of light weeks now and will be lining up for marathon #15.